How do I determine if I’m AGP or not? Like can you question me about it...

How do I determine if I’m AGP or not? Like can you question me about it? A lot of my wanting to be trans is linked directly to my sexuality

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Just tell us about your feelings. How they started, how they developed, everything. In as much detail as possible.

Are you able to wear panties with out getting a boner?

You should lower your libido with anti-androgens and see if the desire to transition persists.

I got started on porn unfortunately pretty early on, like when I was 12-13 maybe?? Like around 14 I started looking at kinky stuff like bondage. Never really understood why I liked it or what pleasure I got out of imagining it… I just liked it. Got to the point in Freshman-Sophomore year HS that I started masturbating everyday, for like three or four weeks in a year, by this time I started wanting to feel something more so I looked at femdom stuff imagining myself as that guy. That somehow turned into Anal I guess, and then that became me wanting to get dicked down, which I think became futa… and then by some point in like 2019 I started thinking about how I wanted to be a Bi bottom and questioned myself on that front, but I always wanted to be some femboy type. That at some point became wanting to be a full on girl with a penis, and also a feminine androgynous person, and now I’m here. I’ve felt dysphoria before, maybe, idk it’s hard to describe. I’ve seen female friends and just in general, girls walking in the street and wished I looked like them. It’s all very weird though, a lot of the wanting comes from sexual stuff more than anything else IE
>“I wish I could be a girl so I could have a vagina and finger myself”
>”I wish I could have tits like a girl so a guy could play with them”
>”I wish I was a girl so I could have sex easier”
>”I wish I was a girl so more of the porn I see resonated with me” (a lot of porn is obviously straight so I wish I was a girl and it would be more accurate to my body)
If it isn’t sexual I haven’t thought about it in a bit or I have to sucker myself into thinking that way. Saying to myself ‘hey do you see that girl over there? Don’t you want to be like her’ versus just seeing a girl and thinking man I wish I was one. Now whenever I take notice of a woman my thoughts are more like ‘oh that’s a woman. Just like how I may be trans’ and that’s it

>I’ve felt dysphoria before, maybe, idk it’s hard to describe.
When did these feelings start? Did they have any aspects you did not mention here?

>If it isn’t sexual I haven’t thought about it in a bit or I have to sucker myself into thinking that way. Saying to myself ‘hey do you see that girl over there? Don’t you want to be like her’ versus just seeing a girl and thinking man I wish I was one. Now whenever I take notice of a woman my thoughts are more like ‘oh that’s a woman. Just like how I may be trans’ and that’s it
Can you explain what you meant by this?

great my srs means I can never have agp
I rationalized it for years like that though I stayed far away from "femboy/sissy/trans" whatever probably because it was just too close to home. And I don't want to be a femboy; I want to be a woman.
I don't think men look at straight porn and wish they were the girl.
>I’ve seen female friends and just in general, girls walking in the street and wished I looked like them.
It's so easy to rationalize these feelings as a sex thing to avoid dealing with them for real. And dysphoria doesn't give you a reason. You just want to be a woman. Society tells you no way. There's ready evidence in the form of an online community it must be sex. Besides that the actual things about your body that would be different are the sex parts! If you wish you were a girl and therefore had a vagina it's not really that absurd to jump to what you could do with a vagina. It's perfect for repressing but it doesn't help you much.
Like I said dysphoria doesn't give a reason, so you're left with these vague thoughts and however you chose to rationalize them. You sound trans to me.
And AGP theory is nonsense and even if it wasn't AGP people are supposed to transition too.

>I don't think men look at straight porn and wish they were the girl.
Maybe not porn, but you'd be surprised about men fantasizing once or twice about being a woman in terms of maybe having breasts or a vagina. It's more curiosity however.
OP sounds AGP to me. I'm personally the transvestite type and it didn't really start through porn, I just realized I had a strong obsession and sexual attraction to womens clothing.

personally i stumbled upon trans porn and thought trannies were hot so i decided to become one. been on hormones for over two years, no regrets and no plans to ever detransition

good post

here is how to tell if you are agp
AGP isnt real.

damn I wish I had this low inhibition

Yeah. Tons probably, I don’t remember them though.

If I get envious from the way another Woman looks nowadays, it’s not from just seeing them and thinking “I want to be her”. It’s from seeing them and my inner voice saying “hey don’t you want to be her?!” Basically I almost have to force myself to take notice of the fact that I’m supposed to be dysphoric.
You’re right but I think what I fear from being AGP and what most people fear from it, is the possibility of coming to the realization years down the trail that you could have just stayed a male and you aren’t a real woman more than you were when you started out.

Classic agp

Doesn’t matter tho, you can still benefit from transition but consider it carefully first

I told you there is no AGP. Everybody worries about that. It completely rearranges your life to change your sex. Not to mention you join a hated group.

>You’re right but I think what I fear from being AGP and what most people fear from it, is the possibility of coming to the realization years down the trail that you could have just stayed a male and you aren’t a real woman more than you were when you started out.
I'm not that user but I had SRS too and I still don't "feel like a woman", I still just feel like me, just like I always have.
I just don't really understand gender identity, but ever since puberty I just really wished I had a vagina, because the idea of masturbating with one kind of just resonated with me, and I felt like sex would be much easier too, similarly to what you describe as well. Personally I was really into anal masturbation since I was 12 years old, although I felt rather insecure about it, and I always felt like the preparation needed for it was such a hassle and I wished I could just have a hole that is easier to keep clean.
Even just minor things like being able to wear cute underwear and being flat down there, or having boobs, or wearing cute clothes, made me feel really excited. In fact, the idea of being a girl excited me so much that it went far beyond mere sexual arousal, into mania.

And you know what? The excitement never went away. Even though the pain after SRS was so intense that I can no longer recall it as it exceeded the capabilities of my imagination, I was smiling elatedly the whole time I was at the hospital and then some. I show my husband my boobs at least 12 times per day, and it never gets old for either of us. He fucks me five times a week, and it feels like something deep inside of me heals a bit more every time. Every time he compliments my body, I can't help but tremble because of how excited I am.

Do these feelings mean I have a female gender identity? I dunno, what even is gender anyway? But regardless of my identity, I'm just so happy to finally have an innie and a sexy body. It's like my adolescent dreams came true!

>Yeah. Tons probably, I don’t remember them though.
What do you remember of them, if anything?

I am the user OP was responding to and yeah I feel the same way. like I said there's no reason for dysphoria your brain just wants your body and social position to be a certain way.
if someone has a concrete reason they probably aren't transgender
I was always interested in anal but didn't really like it for much the same reasons not to mention it kind of highlighted the penis to have access to the hole. I always masturbated by tucking and grinding (and later vibrators) so I wouldn't have to see it. and it is such a relief to be able to just take all my clothes off when I masturbate. or not masturbate being able to just stand in the bathroom after a shower without any distress is amazing after all these years.
but I'm still insecure about my female identity even though I'd never consider giving up my female body. and I know it sounds like a TERF cliche but I don't know what feeling like a woman means beyond having that body. (or wanting that if pretransition).

I can relate to disliking how it highlighted the penis. So when my dysphoria was at its worst, I came up with a different way to masturbate: I would enter a trance while gently grinding against a pillow, while visualising that my bf was lying down below me and that I'm riding him. The more I did this, the more I began to vividly feel it as vaginal sex, and eventually I could have numerous orgasms that way in a single session even without physically grinding anymore, just lying down. Eventually I started voice calling with my bf during it and he would likewise enter a trance and visualise the same things as I was while jerking off. It was very precious, and I felt like it healed me to the point that my dysphoria just completely disappeared, because the horrible feeling that I was missing something important finally went away.

I still had surgery anyway because I knew I'd be even happier if my body is like that physically too. But because I was so proud of overcoming my negative feelings about my physical body after all these years, I jerked off almost every day during the month leading up to the surgery, as I wanted to embrace my body regardless of its shape and make good memories. And yet, although that was fun, I've never once felt like I miss having a dick. Because somehow, this just suits me so much better. It just feels so right on a level that goes even deeper than my emotions or sexuality.

As a bonus, my ability to have orgasms without any physical stimulation also makes it much easier to enjoy and climax from physical stimulation now. It helps that the shape is so similar to what I was used to visualising. My surgeon's assistant actually complimented me for that when she asked me some questions and I mentioned it. She said she's been trying to explain to her patients for years that sex happens in the mind, and that I exemplified that perfectly by being able to do it in a trance, just as one might in a lucid sexual dream.

i'm happy for you but reading posts like these always makes me insecure about myself and why i'm trans lol

Why does it make you feel insecure?

hah I didn't masturbate at all like the month before surgery I was so stressed
and was a little worried because who knows what happens after maybe I shouldn't squander my time
but I orgasmed with the first month so it ended well

it makes me afraid that my identity and all of my suffering somehow secretly stem from something like that. dysphoria ruined my life and continues to define it. if it turns out that all i am can be traced to something like that then that's really invalidating to me because my identity is important to me. if this is possible for one person then it's possible for others. so i'm insecure because i'm reminded of that distant possibility i'm so afraid of.

Rather than stressed, I was just so excited that I'd flap my arms and couldn't stop laughing most of the time. I thought, "I should savour this body part while I still can" and jerked off every day to the thought of masturbating and having sex with my new vagina after I recover from surgery.
Sometimes I wonder if I might have a screw loose, but, hey... at least I'm having a good time!
I also orgasmed within the first month, but that was in a trance from mental stimulation alone just like I did before the surgery, as I didn't have the courage to try too much physically yet that early on. But when I did have the courage... hehe.
When my husband fucks me now it's like it's happening on two layers of existence at once, added together. The mental aspects of sex are truly so important, at least for me.