Translations of muggle into other languages

These are the official translations of muggle into other languages in-universe, not the book translations. As in, the slang used in the world, not the books (which are set in Britain).
>Britain and Ireland: Muggle
>USA and Canada: Nomaj
>Australia and New Zealand: Cantspell
>France: Non-magique
>Spain, Portugal, Latin America: Sinalma
>Italy: Los Irrilevante
>Germany, Austria: Witzmensch
>Russia: Giperobychnyy
>Japan: Nise no dansei

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In Brazil it's "trouxa"

In the official translation they're called babbani


>Lithuanian: Negras

that's the dumbest word I've ever heard


It's moldu if I remember correctly. Did you just make this up?

>>USA and Canada: Nomaj
>>Australia and New Zealand: Cantspell
>>France: Non-magique
no way are these real

>without soul

Check the wiki for muggle, they're real.

> Italy: Los


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We dont translate the word, have sex

Accio used women's socks!


They literally had an entire movie set in the US.

In US it is cantbreath

Youkraine't breathe either.

In India its bhenchod

>Revealed in the Fantastic Beasts
Why didn't she use the real translations ?

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