so this is power of firefox...
so this is power of firefox...
Other urls found in this thread:
you're a fag
What did you tell Mozilla about this crash so
they can fix it?
guys don't click it it will crash whole browser instantly
How is propositioning them going to fix the bug?
Post your specs and Foxfire version.
..,,;;;::;,.. OS: Devuan 2.1 ascii
`':ddd;:,. Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.9.0-11-amd64
`'dPPd:,. Uptime: 1d 4h 20m
`:b$$b`. Packages: 2864
'P$$$d` Shell: bash 4.4.12
.$$$$$` Resolution: 2880x1024
;$$$$$P WM: XMonad
.:P$$$$$$` GTK Theme: Xfce-dusk-gtk3 [GTK2/3]
.,:b$$$$$$$;' Icon Theme: gnome
.,:dP$$$$$$$$b:' Font: Terminus 12
.,:;db$$$$$$$$$$Pd'` Disk: 16G / 457G (4%)
,db$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b:'` CPU: i5-4300M @ 4x 2.6GHz [48.0°C]
:$$$$$$$$$$$$b:'` RAM: 1460MiB / 15762MiB
`$$$$$bd:''` IP EXT:
>troon website
>coded so poorly it makes browsers crash even without JS
Mozilla Firefox 104.0.2
Linux 5.19.9-arch1-1 GNU/Linux
Smells like a regression. tech is going backwards it seems.
i fear no man
but that thing
it scares me
they must have rewritten some parsing code in rust
forgot image
>Open site in private browsing mode
>Fans spin up to 100%
>Page never loads properly
>Browser doesn't crash but every page that I had open is unresponsive and flickers
How did he do it bros
the absolute state of tranny html skills
wonder which one of these syntax errors cause the crash
I chuckle, but then I cry. Wierd.
But why does syntax error in one page casue whole browser to crash?
In version 105 only the tab crashes
crashes also on firefox mobile
im on 102.2.0esr and it crashes the entire browser. thats textbook regression