Getting into emacs

How difficult is it to get into? It seems absolutely bonkers when I see people use it, but also very powerful
I'm pretty proficient in vim, but emacs seems like it will have a very steep learning curve.
Should I try to make the switch, or just stick with vim?

Attached: emacs.png (1024x1024, 152.61K)

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It's a fucking text editor not the battle of Stalingrad get a grip

If you're IQ is above room temperature it's not difficult. It just requires time and patience.


Its super easy. The only thing you have to do is the tutorial. There are more features, but honestly I just prefer to use the unmodified version. After you do the tutorial look into org and you should be good to go.

C-h i

alt is m
ctrl is c
c-x h is ctrl x h (for help)
m- x is to start something like
m-x shell
keep going its great check the manual when you see something you would like to use but cant remember write it down and use it.Like keyboard macros or rectangle etc.It is really a software that wants you to learn it and understand it .I wish everything was like emacs.

you use the same hotkeys you would use in a terminal to get around.
>same keybings to move in bash
>same keybondings to move in nano
>same keybindings in emacs
learn one and you can use the other

Yeah, I am just going through the tutorial now. Noticed that a lot of the binds are the same as terminal, which I see as a good feature imo. I always do the wrong keybinds in terminal because I am used to vim

I tried to switch from vim, and everything is harder than it should be if you want to keep vim bindings
vnoremap > >gv is 5 lines of lisp
I don't remember how much spent to get vim to work the way I wanted to, but compared to emacs it feels like it works out of the box
Also emacs is way slower
I still want to try it though, but it requires way more than a couple hours of configuring

Real easy as soon as you get yourself picrel

Attached: uJgpsa2R5zhEgyTUeXGFdbggS6eCc5ZTbdy9mwTmL0w.jpg (510x349, 17.19K)

>>same keybings to move in bash
I use C-w and C-u a lot and they were the first thing I noticed not working the way I expect to

I also tried doom emacs which took some awful amount of time to install, didn't work without removing some broken plugin from config and then didn't have any language features, which I wanted to try out, so I deleted it

This. Emacs is perfect if your time is worthless

what would you even use 3 petals for?

one for each foot

Nano definitely doesn't have the same bindings
It's a fucking text editor. "learning curve" nigger you open it and you type text in it

>but also very powerful
so then what do you mean by bonkers

>you're IQ

>Should I try to make the switch
You should try it. Doesn't matter if you use it or not, the patterns you'll learn can be applied to every other editor.
Same goes for any IDE.

not him but bonkers isn't the opposite of powerful mr esl

You have horrible reading comprehension

try doom emacs
it's very vim

it's not very hard
just install evil-mode and you're ready to go, that or use spacemacs

A lot of your vim knowledge can transfer over if you use evil.
I also recommend using prebuilt configurations like Doom Emacs or Spacemacs.
They default to using evil keybindings, and they also include a lot of things that a beginner would have no idea how to configure if they were starting from zero.
- but don't listen to the Common Lisp cunts.

i just rebinds caps to ctrl

bonkers also don't mean powerful mr esl