Any Forumsuys Luke needs our help

Any Forumsuys Luke needs our help
he wants a new computer to replace multiple old ones he has problem with
what do you recommend?

Attached: 20220914_19h26m01s_grim.png (906x770, 484.66K)

Thinkpad X220.

I still don't understand - what does this guy do for a living?


he says X220 can't keep up with livestreams

no one knows, probably has some regular job, he did one of the livestreams in a shirt from some gas station chain, so it could be that he works on gas station :)

he is a social media influencer

Linguistics or whatever

He lives off his trust money since he's a trust fund baby

Luke Smith is quite possibly the best example of cognitive dissonance

>hates technology
>hates the internet
>constantly uses technology/the internet

his 'oh its OBS' fault' cope lol

I will always remember Luke Smith as the perfect example of what happens when you fall for every single Any Forums meme at once, without carefully analyzing them first. He owns four ThinkPads at least. While I see nothing wrong with them in themselves, as they are admittedly pretty good value for the price, four is just mindless consumerism, contradictory to his "philosophy". He started using every single shitty pseudominimalist, ncurses-based program, used a shitty riced out i3 setup of dubious actual productivity (like all tiling wms), then fell for the full Suckless meme and went in even deeper. Then he started making videos shitting on Python and praising C, which is ironic considering he is not even a programmer by his own admission. He effectively spent years trying out, configuring and hopelessly trying to integrate tens of meme programs to build what is, combined, effectively a shittier Emacs, just like most of Any Forums was doing in their "productive" desktop threads a year or two ago. Then he read the Unabomber manifesto and blindly accepted it without constructively analyzing it first, same with the anarcho-primitivist ideology that was all the rage about a year and a half on Any Forums and 8ch. While he stated on his website that he "didn't browse Any Forums much anymore" it was obvious this wasn't the case. Then he went and took the memes way too far, and unironically went to live in isolation. While I see nothing wrong in itself, the actual reason he did it is massive cringe. He has the mentality of someone 10 years younger than he is, yet he acts like a literal boomer jokingly criticizing "zoomers" despite he himself being the worst example of a millennial. He attacks "nerds" when it't painfully obvious he's deeply unhappy with himself, as it was obviously self-directed criticism thinly veiled as an edgy dabbing video. He is a perfect example of someone you should avoid becoming at all costs.

He scams retards on Any Forums.

>what do you recommend?
I'm pretty close to getting rid of all my computers and shutting off my internet myself. It seems like the right way to go since there's nothing of value online now.

He's a trust fund kid, he did linguistics in college and his family gave him a plot of land to of the middle of nowhere.
Some times he larps as a carpenter.

what's a computer?

Where is the proof for the trust fund claims? He works for an investment firm though.

Fuck off, Luke

>He works for an investment firm though.
where'd you get that information
I've never heard of this claim

Luke even if you had socketed CPUs and GPUs we're way past the point where the bottleneck in laptops is cooling. As long as the ram and disks are socketed (which they basically always are) you're not actually losing any freedom. You're not gonna wish you could update the ethernet port inside its lifeitme.


He's a self-employed ultraNEET

M2 Macbook Air

his trackpoint tangent made me cringe so much damn

isn't there a chick company which sells recent Mainboards with instruction, to build insde an old thinkpad

Same, it's like he's trying hard to fit in. Maybe Luke just has small hands, but I can reach from the touchpad to the keys

I'm pretty sure my T430s can do livestreaming.
it's 3615QE is fucking strong, and it has all the expecteds like dock, ultra bay, 7 row (modded).
Also if the cpu cant livestream, then you can connect a gpu to the thunderbolt2 port and use nvenc.

they only cost like $1100 to build in this config keke

Ngl, he does give pretty based advice regarding finding independence from modern society, such as reducing debt or by living in the country.

**good advice for fellow trust fund kids

A prisoner who hates prison suffers from cognitive dissonance, got it.

>"think pads are super durable"
>battery broken
>charging port broken
nice Luke

Bro... That setup. I would unironically be a wageslave and afford something much nicer than use 30 year old tech.

Luke Smith literally has a (self-described) tech-channel. Would a prisoner dedicate this much of their life to prison? Is Luke Smith (probably you) forced to dedicate this portion of his life to technology, as opposed to a prisoner who is forced to be in there? Also don't say that retarded society bullshit, as since he's a trustfund kitty (or carpenter), he certainly doesn't need any form of internet or computers and could live out his days as a luddite or whatever he wants