Attached: 17D2B012-A489-436C-8A11-86F2507E2C02.jpg (2040x3264, 853.85K)

lurk moar, faggot.

Yawn looks like another wolfram faggot

Attached: c7d8a25e06b58ff98d7681c6a46ca959.png (1282x824, 799.41K)

>You will never escape God's botnet

>pseudo-random generator
>omg there are patterns therefore the universe must be created by someone
actually schizo 60IQ tier reasoning

Attached: 1639587082073.png (1076x606, 728.1K)

>Moreover (but this is a questionable observation), here, if the blue line is subtracted from the orange line, one gets an outline of human's head: with top (21000), forehead (18000), eye (13000), cheek (6000), and neck (2700) levels highlighted, roughly corresponding to real symmetry; with a slight shoulders outline (4100-2700), and two hand palms risen up (5400-4300).
This is some spirit science level shit.

Atheism bros... I don't feel so good

we've known.3 6 9

Attached: sacredgeometry.png (640x458, 569.82K)

sacred geometry is math. infinite fractal of life proves our personal God.

Attached: 8a811cdb3ca67813f506f1cb28ff5c8c (1).jpg (612x612, 121.56K)

>math is engineered
Duh. Only platonist retards thought otherwise

May I get a QR on this?

>idiot tries to make a random number generator
>it isn't random
>his surprise at it not being random causes him to conclude that the universe is designed

lol, that article writter talks like someone that was brainwashed in Any Forums

well, that was retarded.
thanks for the info

Yet another idiot that has stumbled upon stuff Konrad Zuse found 80 years ago while he's some kind of genius that discovered it independently and unlocked profound secrets to the universe. Seems like a new one pops up now every few years now. People are so narcissistic these days it's unreal. No doubt he'll have a book to shill at some point.

Now the matrix will be shutdown. Good ridance though

Yeah.. fucking zoomers. They don't even remember that time Konrad Zuse subtracted two lines to make it look kind of like a human's head.

If he won't there will be a thousand others to capitalize on the trend anyways.

what's the point of picrel
static inline.
i never understoodo this about c.
static is about namespaces or smthn but inline? what;s the fucking point why flex

Attached: file.png (317x35, 6.07K)

>big bang