Air purifiers

what to look for in air purifiers?
what are the best ones?
wheres best placement of air purifier in house?
should one be careful of positioning them too close to open windows?
air purifiers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>what to look for in air purifiers?
the self-destroy button

>what are the best ones?
The broken ones

>wheres best placement of air purifier in house?
In a trash can

>should one be careful of positioning them too close to open windows?
preferably through them

why do you hate air purifiers?


although when you don't have any other option but """living""" in a filthy dense urban megatoilet they can help

Probably watched some 20 minute youtube video about how some of them release ozone or whatever. Those "NeGaTiVeLy ChArGed SuPeR ION + PaRtIcLe ClEaNeR Uv LiGhT" ones.

so he's a dunning-kruger poster.

I mostly looked at the minimum noise level. The maximum noise level is surprisingly useful too, it's high enough that it would wake me up so it doubles as a smoke detector.
Also keep in mind the filters get really dirty (proof that it does something?) so if you buy a no name brand it might become tricky to replace them.
For the placement it really depends on your layout I guess but just below a window you open often sounds like a waste.

perhaps, but shoehorning in bias callouts is peak "factoid" cringe. It doesn't make you sound smarter. You're just ringing the same bell every other "oh so witty" redditer has already parroted and gotten updoots from.

thats what im saying, trying to sound smart when really you're just solidfying the dunning-kruger meme lol
I've seen it go on sale for $100 several times a Costco. I've had the older version (C535) for a few years and it does a really good job. 1 is more than enough for any bedroom or medium apartment.
I got it because the replacement filters can be found for cheap.

If you're looking for a good purifier, get a coway or winix 250CFM purifier. Have both coway AP-1512HHS and Winix 5500-2.

IQAir and Blue Air and Austin Air are usually quoted as the top brands.

However, most people just buy a Coway Mighty as the least shitty cheap option.

>air printer
Air printer?
Do you mean a wireless printer? I just get the cheapest one because I'll probably use it one time and then throw it away

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whats plasmawave


Supposedly kills bacteria/viruses/microscopic organisms in the air as it passes through the filter.
The filters I mentioned are all quiet on the lowest setting and have an auto feature that turns down to the lowest fan setting when it's dark in the room, and when it's bright and detects bad air quality it will automatically switch to a higher fan speed. It's surprisingly accurate and will go to a higher fan speed when I fart next to it, then it turns back down when the air smells mostly fine again. Definitely a must have if you have bad gas and sit in the same room for hours on end regularly.

make sure to get one with 365 nanometer wavelength ultraviolet.
>destroy cell tissue
>crack the molecular bond of odorous gases and bacterium and viruses
>combine tree state contaminant molecules and ozone oxidation into harmless small molecule.
if not, make sure to get 'anions'.

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Ikea has one for cheap

An air purifier is not advanded tech
All you need is
>on off button

Everything else is bloat
There is no need for sensors to see what is in the air
Or a fucking app

Save money

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why would you need a separate air filter from the one on your ac/ furnace? is air in the major cities that bad?

Build your own. It's cheaper and works better.

>Save money
>Buys a priorietary air purifier that he will have to buy specific filters for