Are there any beginner-friendly "just werks" distros that ship KDE Plasma?

Are there any beginner-friendly "just werks" distros that ship KDE Plasma?

Snaps are shit.
Unstable and devs are retarded.
>Arch, Fedora, OpenSUSE
Not beginner-friendly.

Attached: kde.png (750x450, 7.2K)

Other urls found in this thread: nonfree.iso

how is OpenSUSE not beginner friendly, are you retarded

My litmus test is drivers
>look up how to install nvidia drivers on OpenSUSE
>every video has people manually sifting through countless NVIDIA packages or inputting several terminal commands to get drivers installed because there's no driver manager to automatically do it for you
Fuck that shit.

>Unstable and devs are retarded.
That describes KDE

Arch with the archinstall script is so easy my grandma could do it. Stop being a faggot.


your file pick and computer are ugly.

Attached: samuel-2.png (433x582, 207.21K)

Even if it was, I don't want a system that has a chance to break with every update.

nothing really "breaks" like system halt worthy shit on Arch, but tiny stuff will stop working like apps not recognizing system theme (easy fix) or you'll notice minor changes that you like/dislike, I pacman -U pretty often

KDE on Debian. Here: nonfree.iso

just download arch linux gui


didn't the sjw cucks smoke out the kde plasma packager or whatever from debian?

>Snaps are shit.
doesn't matter to most users
>Not beginner-friendly.
Fedora and openSUSE are

>My litmus test is drivers
Nobara OS.

>not beginner friendly
wrong. the installer is super easy to use; even faster than any *buntu

stop being a beginner

This might be the single least talked about distro I've seen, doesn't inspire confidence.

it's a meme Fedora-based distro, just a few months old at this point

It is talked about, just not on Any Forums, it made the rounds as a gaming oriented distro that started this year so it's very, very bleeding edge (for a not-fedora spin.) I'm using it myself as my first linux OS, but I'm not on Nvidia.