Xiaomi bros

Xiaomi bros...

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never going to buy a chink phone but that's the most nigerian scam I've ever seen kek

>captcha kkkn44

Going to put my phone under my pillow from now on.

bullshit, pajeet hopes to redeem
>t. Redmi 7A owner

Good idea that will muffle the explosion and hopefully not wake up the neighbours

>posting your aunts corpse to fucking Twitter


Here we go again

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He clearly killed her. Dumb Pajeets thinks this is a movie kek. He literally outted himself.


Zoomers know no shame. It's an entire generation of sociopaths that grew up thinking the world is a movie and they are the main actors.

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What causes these phones to explode?
I'm legit scared. I got xiaomi too.

>people in replies actually believing it

I really don't know what's more pathetic. Zoomers or your ilk retarded enough to fall for the single most obvious satire imaginable.

Nothing. Battery may get shorted out, get hot, start burning and vent, but it won't explode. There's still fire hazard tho.

They don't explode. The catch fire and if they do there's no way to put it out. That bed and that corpse should have been chard like the phone.

The dumb pajeet planted that phone there and killed his aunt for redeem money. He shouldn't even have touched that phone. Should have called the cops first.

Damn she looked cute

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Its to shame the company and traumatize whatever poor customer service/HR rep has to go investigate whether or not this is true, as well as garner pity from people who see the post.

I am 100% in support of this person doing this, even if its fake. Fuck these companies they need to be bled dry. I hope he gets a huge payout, though I doubt that will be the case.

There is no way a phone did that lol.
Someone in the family killed her, then they are trying to blame it on Xiaomi.

A few options:

>zoomer displays another wonderful example of why we're in the end times
>it's a fucking youtuber publicity stunt (most likely)
>his aunt died (or he killed her...) then he ignited the phone near her face and strategically cut an artery

>Niggers use X*aomi
Dang, guess I'll be needing a new phone then...

>hat bed and that corpse should have been chard like the phone
If its not fake, this idiot killed her in her sleep than probably tossed the phone in the microwave.

>That bed and that corpse should have been chard like the phone.
Not always, beds and linen are full of flame retardants nowadays.
Pajeet still looks like he is lying.

Phones can definitely explode particularly the battery but I don't think that it would cause that much damage especially if its under a pillow as well.

Shitty design, bottom of the barrel batteries and shitty quality control. There's no way a battery fire killed someone unless they were covered in gasoline. They don't throw shrapnel they just get really hot and off gas. It's more likely she died of inhaling the gas which anyone intelligent wouldn't do, they'd get the fuck out of the room.

Just look at the blood splatter literally everywhere but the phone but sure the phone blew up in her face and killed her without getting a drop on it.

Dude, look at the blood spalttered every where.

If the phone exploded near her face, it would have cauterized the wound, and there wouldn't be as much blood.

This pajeet killed her himself 100%

Post the actual tweet nigger.

>Aunt supposeldy dead 2 days ago
>already post new vids on your YT jeet account
Yeah I'm not buying it

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Redmis are standard sir phones, but they are pretty good deal for the price (around $100).
No, they can't. But they can start burning pretty violently.

>be pajeet
>buy cheap piece of shit phone
ok poo

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>all that blood
An burning phone would have burned her to death not cut her to death.

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I was thinking the same.
I have blown some batteries on purpose (they do burn), and no one ever exploded that way.
What can damage a human skull, but keep the phone in one piece?

I hate Pajeets so much it's unreal. They should all be banned from Youtube, and from Internet in general. Whenever I see a video o poos "rescuing" a dog from some well or tar pit, it's 99.9% they threw it it there in the first place to make a video for pity bucks.

>No, they can't
>what is the Galaxy Note 7
get out zoomer

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they caught fire, not exploded, retardo