Name one person who did more to ruin personal computing than this man

Name one person who did more to ruin personal computing than this man

Attached: steve-jobs.jpg (1200x800, 71.56K)

>Name one person who did more to ruin personal computing than this man

Attached: 104 - beard clothes glasses hair open_mouth richard_stallman soyjak technology variant markiplier_soyjak.png (674x884, 21.54K)

He made personal computing an actual thing in the first place (he still ruined it though)

>104 - beard clothes glasses hair open_mouth richard_stallman basedjak technology variant markiplier_soyjak
Seek professional help

Attached: NOW.png (480x480, 201.44K)

all the other decision makers at apple desu

imagine if apple told him to fuck off and forked plan 9 or inferno instead of forking yet another shitty unix system

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Take your meds

Wait a god damn
>Kaczynski has spent the past 20 years in prison as an oddly socially connected individual. He struck up friendships with eerily similar fellow ADX prison mates: Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and 1993 World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef. Kaczynski also writes letters to thousands of pen pals on the outside. This daily human contact is strikingly different from his life before prison. A former recluse and survivalist who lived alone in the mountains of Montana, Kaczynski has adapted well to his 12-by-7-foot prison cell which is not much smaller than his 12-by-10-foot primitive cabin. Interestingly, Kaczynski’s cabin in its entirety is currently housed in the Newseum in Washington, D.C. on loan from the FBI as part of the “Inside Today’s FBI” exhibition.
Ted has a better social life than me, and a lot of other anons
God fucking damn it

He also had a gf before she died from a tumour or something like that. He is the actual real life gigachad.

you meant saved personal computing?

So is living in the woods conformed to make you a gigachad?

If it weren't for him, you wouldn't even have a PC to begin with.

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You mean helped to invent personal computing in the first place.


This person.

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Based on what?

nope, schizo posting on Any Forums is

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Who cares about personal computing, this nigger ruined the internet and caused the degradation of western society via social media. He gave easy, instant, and constant access to the internet to people who shouldn't have even been given constant access to email, let alone smart devices that would allow them to mass-communicate their retarded ideas to the rest of the retards on the planet all day, every day, forever. This man developed an information virus and unleashed it on the world. His minor contributions to everything else pale to the new hell this demon cast civilization into.

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>No he didn't.

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>Name one person who did more to ruin personal computing than this man
he did nothing for personal computing. that credit goes to steve wozniack that built the apple 1 + 2 on his own.

The Apple I would've stayed in the garage if not for Jobs. In the larger context of history "I built it" tends to lose out to "I got people to buy it".

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>The Apple I would've stayed in the garage if not for Jobs.
if you believe that then you are a retarded monkey. jobs was always a talentless fraud. couldn't code, couldn't engineer, couldn't design. jobs was literally a secretary.

>The Apple I would've stayed in the garage if not for Jobs
The Apple I would've actually been good if not for Jobs, retard.

lmao the board that previously ousted Jobs literally begged him to come back because they drove the company into the ground in record pace

>still no picture of Bill Gates

they bought his operating system used for NeXT, and on condition of sale begged apple for a board seat. don't try and rewrite history here, tyrone. this isn't reddit. they didn't want him back at all, they wanted his operating system.