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That was my reaction too but I like

no one likes c++ syntax, shut the fuck up

>using same operator for directing streams and shifting
operation overloading was mistake

rust be like
security.secureall::::::::securetext:::::secureoutput:::::::ultrasecurecharacters::::((((secure(H)secure(E)secure(L, securerepeat(2))secure(O)))))

rust be like

I didn't say I like all of it, or even most of it, I just like

Reddit programming humor is fucking cringe. It's filled with a bunch of faggots who are just learning this for the first time and love jerking themselves off on how "complicated" things are

>conveniently leaves out declaring using namespace std to reduce having to write std:: before everything in order to make reddit meme pic

Only absolute retards use "using namespace std"

shut the fuck up retard

>webdev cuck

The sepples example would be fine if it was just


C was better before you had to do all that std:: bullshit.


#define PRINT(x) std::cout

namespaces are one of C++'s best features over C. you could use C++ and just use namespaces, vector, string, and unordered_map and everything else is standard C and it would be such a comfy language to write in

i deal with the problem when it comes

in rust this is just println!

she forgot using namespace std;

Horrible art style.