What is a more polished and easy-to-use distro than ubuntu?

What is a more polished and easy-to-use distro than ubuntu?

Attached: ubuntu-logo-comparison.jpg (1200x630, 40.21K)

Why switch? Ubuntu just werks. If you must, Xubuntu or Kubuntu, you're welcome.


Only annoying thing about Ubuntu for me is the quality of chrome and some applications is all fuzzy/blurry. It's not a resolution problem but rather something to do with gnome. Anyone else had a similar problem and managed to fix it or just learned to live with it?

maybe rhel or openpepe lead idk


do you have hidpi scaling?

The WSL version of ubuntu of course


Manjaro. The only one that just werks on modern hardware. Any Forums is still on 2nd gen i5's, mechanical hard-drives and an rx 270.


I’ve been using Fedora as my everyday distro for years without problems

Attached: A756F5D6-44CC-4778-B042-6E519C824FCC.png (480x480, 24.28K)

Literally anything is better than *Buntu. Just install Gentoo

Wrong I am on a ThinkPad with a soldered i7 2nd gen. Kys

for an easytouse distro a usually recommend either fedora or mint (lmde).
but it also kinda depends on your specific use case...

Yep so I've played around with the scaling and zoom percentages, no difference unfortunately.

There isn't one. Every 'easy to use' distro falls apart when you have an uncommon problem to troubleshoot. The reason Ubuntu doesn't is because it has the largest community so you're more likely to find an answer from google.

Mac OS X


I like gentoo unironically. The fact that you have to compile everything kinda forces you into the situation of having to rely on a light system. Then again, I haven't really used it as my main OS