How did Windows win?

How did Windows win?

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people are too stupid to use linux or boot into the bios to boot from a flash drive

I installed Linux in a VM in Windows 11. It's not very good.

he love linux too much

by actually working

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Linux is shit, Windows isn't.
It's pretty obvious when you stop letting some pedojew lead you around and control what you see, hear and say.

it just works

low iq is more common

How the fuck it's still under 3%? It's same for over a decade now, what the fuck

>told why for six or seven posts in a row
>ZOMG HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?????????!!!!1!!!1!one!
I'd hazard a guess that it's because freetards have always been completely disconnected from reality.

linux isn't consumer friendly, it lacks softwares and have some annoying noticeable bugs, the average user spend most of his time browsing the internet on linux, something any functional OS can do
linux is more successful on phone same for unix being more successful on apple devices and sony and nintendo consoles

Is this the result of the centralized model vs the open source model ?

Why do I need any more people using the same OS as me?

I'd be surprised if it didn't help. Cathedral, bazaar and all that.

It would be worth it just to wipe that speshul snowflake attitude you projectile diarrhea all over every thread you post in.

Larger market means more support for those users.
Imagine having just works nvidia drivers and not have to think about compatibility issues when buying a printer or other peripherals.

Result of X11 versus DOS.
Actually literally factually.

Because Bill Gates is a murderous dirty cockroach who captained one of the most evil companies in existence that had and still continues to employ numerous tactics to destroy competition. You think Lennart Poettering fleeing to Microsoft after working on Pulseaudio/Systemd/Other shit is a coincidence?
Not even lying about the murderous part. Microsoft has killed off people that cracked the security of Xboxes in the past, and they will sic the FBI on you until you're nothing but an empty husk.

By making linux a windows app. I seriously chuckle everytime ubuntu app appears on my start menu.

jay jay go away

>Yes I use windows, how did you know?

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