What is the Any Forums font? I imagine something with the word libre in front?

What is the Any Forums font? I imagine something with the word libre in front?

Attached: 1632421271423.png (681x494, 82.3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com.au/books?id=oSrtHlyylVoC&pg=PA16&lpg=PA16&dq=nigger "font"&source=bl&ots=2eTnQn7fDw&sig=ACfU3U1fIyZGSLHGCwbZGbSPtn84Vn95CA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjH-be-i5H6AhUr63MBHd-7DHA4KBDoAXoECAMQAg#v=onepage&q=nigger "font"&f=false

fira is a based font for coding
also jetbrains fonts are ugly as fuck

sudo apt-get install -y debconf-utils autoprefs
sudo debconf-set-selections < autoprefs
rm autoprefs
sudo apt-get install -y --reinstall msttcorefonts ttf-mscorefonts-installer

I believe it is fraktur
books.google.com.au/books?id=oSrtHlyylVoC&pg=PA16&lpg=PA16&dq=nigger "font"&source=bl&ots=2eTnQn7fDw&sig=ACfU3U1fIyZGSLHGCwbZGbSPtn84Vn95CA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjH-be-i5H6AhUr63MBHd-7DHA4KBDoAXoECAMQAg#v=onepage&q=nigger "font"&f=false

Attached: 3e863eb57ba44216b180a24e179d4ffe.png (750x500, 89.96K)

cosmic sans

liberation mono


you get the point. Faggots stick to sovless fonts instead of the gigachad font
>b-but, the font is ugly and my eyes are melting
Good, now rope yourse-ACK!

Attached: Captură de ecran 2022-09-13 124423.png (1193x411, 55.36K)

itoddler/samsung tier font

Latin Modern for OpenType and Computer Modern for METAFONT

Is that OpenDyslexic?

Iosevka Custom


mononoki is the cutest programming font!

i Unironically have been using Comic Code for 4 months , and it's pretty nice. ( I pirated it though)

>has to pirate a fucking font
The absolute state of Any Forums...

you wouldn't download a car r-right user?

>Comic Code
the fuck is the matter with you

The Any Forums font is GNU Unifont.

Yes I fucking would.
But using non-libre font is... Meh

Attached: 57d.png (680x878, 296.85K)

Terminus. Terminus everywhere.

I like Grange the best in your image, though, seconded by Ad Lib BT ;3

Attached: BabyTuxSitAlpha.png (800x800, 124.67K)

I like Cascadia Code myself.

Attached: kVNqyNG2Q4sALJmw9eLr.png (749x749, 99.28K)