B--b-but I've done this for free before

>b--b-but I've done this for free before
Sorry loser, looks like this plebbitor is going to have to retake this course

Attached: basedprof.png (756x928, 137.85K)

>Burgers need classes on how to flash an ISO to a flash drive

if it were so easy, then why are there 15 threads a day saying it's too much of a hassle and you should use macOS instead?

What point are you trying to make?
That blind faith in higher education is LE GOOD??

There is no point other than to laugh at a predditor

It's well known that US colleges don't let you test out of classes because education isn't really their goal, it's to squeeze the federal government of that sweet loan money.

Higher SpEd bros do we really pay money to do this shit for free? Seems like a shit lab.

Because the global south has now easy access to mobile phones

Imagine going to school to learn how to install operating systems. Zoomers really are a generation of retards.

That has got to be the worse lab report I have EVER seen and I worked as a TA for two years

Because that's what apple paid for

and he paid for it lmfao

that will be 40000 dollars + tip + commission + tax + extra curricular activities (sucking my dick) please. college in the states is for having as much sex and parties as possible, if you really thought it was anything other than a getaway you were mistaken

take your meds schizo

it's probably a community college class

Probably CIS or some shit. Literally an associate's in ticket jockeying.

literally never hand anything in unless it's a day before it's due.
society operates under the assumption that you must appear busy whenever someone looks at you.

Looks like a lazy lab report. Maybe not worth a zero but who knows. Even when you've studied something in your own time they want a detailed run through of it. If I just turn in a proof in my mathematics class saying it's trivial I get a zero too.

This. If you do all your work as fast as you can you are not rewarded. You are punished with more work.

>Than, after rebooting
Lmao learn basic grammar
I’d take a shit on him. Just for that.

because there are a lot of stupid burgers?

best post in this thread
if you finish it fast, just learn something on the side or toy around with whatever you've done, don't just hand the assignment

american website

tl;dr the instructor is an actual nigger and reddit OP still believe credentialism is required in anno domini. maybe he's doing a computer networking program at a community college, and he needs this gay credentialism/certification if he wants to go anywhere in the field. when i took an networking 102 course as an elective, most students were either retards or jeets. and then there were guys like this who were way too qualified and didnt belong there. felt bad because he eventually told me that he couldnt find a job without some piece of shit paper, and the networking program wasnt even that good and was done on outdated hardware.

Texas is south but not global south