25 lines of python is all it takes to destroy entire united states of america

>25 lines of python is all it takes to destroy entire united states of america

Attached: 1_Kbwkw5BePd9BVVoK-3YxhA.png (750x630, 122.04K)

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> 1 image is all it took for everyone to know OP is a retard.


must be nice

Can't you just let us have a slow financial collapse?

what is this? I only program in x86 and php

ESL vatnik skiddie

>brandon only has 25 lines of code
This actually explains a lot.

holy fucking based

Is this bait?

Being written in the slowest and most inefficient language in the universe explains even more, especially on that hardware.

Just ran it, America still exists, explain yourself

if you have to color your code like enfants you have failed as a man im sorry but it is what it is

Attached: 1659179265054406.png (408x332, 43.9K)

Only one step away from benchode

Attached: 1654133098958.png (330x244, 117.53K)

Why you need to .close() if you have 'with' keyword? OP is a retard

my sides

Attached: 1662627407890602.jpg (252x200, 7.88K)

>if you don't punch yourself in the balls every time you take a piss like enfants you have failed as a man im sorry but it is what it is

10 print "Nigger"
20 goto 10

here, i've done it in 2 lines

So what does it do? It's querying some shitty TCP server and using the response to build a file on the local system. What is the consequence of doing that?

>An automatic tank gauge (ATG) is an electronic device, whose basic function is to monitor the fuel level in the tank over a period of time to see if the tank is leaking.
really interesting op
