How to detect/stop vibrations

I live in a town house. My neighbor has been terrorizing me for months into years. Before it was just constant parties and throwing trash on my lawn or at my window.
Now the sunnuva bitch is using his sound system or something to vibrate the floor of whatever room I'm in. It causes muscle spasms and makes breathing or even thinking without ear plugs and noise protecting ear muffs impossible. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to stop it. I ordered a wifi jammer because I can see his bluetooth speakers but what am I going to do if he switches to a wired set up? I am in hell. What can I do Any Forums? What technology will aid my plight? Is there anything I can set up with a pi pico that can help produce evidence of the vibrations? A few friends have come over and they can confirm it but that's not enough for a court. I'm too dumb to CIA hackerman his shoddily unprotected apple products. Its so hard to read and work. I barely get any sleep. Schizo general I guess.

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Buy Btc.

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Install Gentoo!

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Have you tried knocking on his door and telling him to stop?

I bought tech stocks and oil instead.
I am posting from a gentoo machine right now user
He lives with his grandma and looks just like the zoomer memes. Originally he was going to be kicked out for elder abuse but I guess nana had second thoughts. On top of this there are multiple cars always having their door slammed and horn honked outside my bedroom window or a motorcycle that will rev for long hours into the night.

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Is there truly nothing I can do?

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Take your meds

Try to cancel it out with an upside down ceiling vibrator or use directional speakers mounted to the floor to record his noise and play it back on a short delay but louder.

user I wish I was schizo. I wish I had meds that would make this stop.
My only speakers are a shitty pair that came with a Dell from 2002. They still work pretty nice but I haven't actually been able to consistently record the vibration. I was asking for advice on performing that very act. Do you have suggestions? Would a magnetron work if I only had it on at night and turned off all my computers before hand?

how is this schizo general retard. you're house is rumbling from someone else blasting music and you want his devices to shut off. man you're fucking dumb. was gonna help you but not anymore.

Schizo general because asking for help to stop "the noises" generally makes one sound pretty off the rails. Thanks for the bump friend I wish you peace & fortune on your journey.

>bareOS the OS
how do troons even work with this. do you have a job?

I get your pain OP
Except for me the vibrations come from bars in my neighborhood that blare loud music all day. I also have to put up with cars having doors slammed, horns honked and niggers yelling in the vicinity of my house. It really sucks.

If you can't move: other than getting used to wearing ear plugs + listening to lo-fi ambient music, start taking 3200mg folic acid + 50mg zinc + 2000mg NAC (1000mg each 12h) + melatonin every day. Also 0.5 to 1mg clonazepam if the anxiety becomes too unbearable. These supplements and drugs won't make the problem go away but will make things more tolerable.

I am a straight white male and fucking proud of it. I like demons and devils. It also works on my machine so why not? I have the android development kit set up and the SDK for my rpis. I don't need much else.
Fellow struggler, thank you. I am already sleeping with earplugs thrust deep into my canals and wear a pair of noise cancelers I picked up from Home Depot. I've taken to upping my daily workouts by doubling sets but I hadn't considered the supplements I normally just take fish oil and B-12.
> clonazepam
This might be harder to get but if the stress makes me lose another job I'll just collect gibs. Moving isn't an option the lease is the only one I could reasonably afford.

>Moving isn't an option the lease is the only one I could reasonably afford.
Have you considered being homeless? You can do your 2x daily workouts at the gym and shower there, possibly rent a locker. You don't really *need* an apartment, it's just a convenience luxury for normies (except in your case it doesn't sound like a huge luxury).

>magic speakers that target whatever room you are in

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what the fuck are you talking about retard.

Kill him. It's the only way. Make sure you have a solid alibi.

I have a bluetooth speaker that I move around the house as I'm doing things in different areas, really not that much of a stretch to think autistic user stomps like an oaf and the autistic zoomer downstairs responds by putting a loud bluetooth speaker under the loud millennial. It's a shame they can't just talk to each other and solve this with a boomer handshake.

I have too many computers to live in my car, user. I've thought about downsizing but its hard finding people to buy my shit for what its worth.
>stomp around like an oaf
Yeah, no. I don't like making noise.

Well I guess using a magentron isn't an option I'd probably destroy all my other electronics trying to silence their speakers.