ITT: rare moments where Any Forums was too based for Any Forums
ITT: rare moments where Any Forums was too based for Any Forums
israel and ukraine produce the best cunny
I am English and had no particular preference for Russians or Ukrainians, but after all of the shilling and cringworthy posts from Ukrainian anons. I want nothing more than to see Russia glass your fucking fake country.
Before anyone attacks me on the basis of being English, remember that English is synonymous with White. You'll just out yourself as a resentful brown.
Yeah, I support Israel and sip black rifle coffee. You got a problem with that, libtard?
Russia is the biggest bunch of retards for thinking America who spends hundreds of millions on single planes that sit in hangers 364 days a year and produces 100mill+ a year in tanks that the pentagon said they no longer wanted due to be outdated wouldn't be interested in helping out Ukraine. America thrives for selling weapons
You English wanker twats would be shitposting on Any Forums in your bunkers and subways during WW2 begging for the Americans to join in and beat the Krauts
Ukraine yes, but israel ?
My paternal great grandfather stormed Normandy and my maternal great grandfather served in North Africa. I have a warrior's blood, so you'll do well to treat me with respect you vile cunt.
>My paternal great grandfather stormed Normandy and my maternal great grandfather served in North Africa. I have a warrior's blood, so you'll do well to treat me with respect you vile cunt.
They look like a fine bunch of lads, but I'm not working class.
Aye. Hella based, fellow russiasister
At this point I can't tell whether you're just a faggot who reposts his own bait, or some thirdie retard who actually believes this shit. Spicmerica and asia should be rangebanned.
>>My paternal great grandfather stormed Normandy and my maternal great grandfather served in North Africa. I have a warrior's blood, so you'll do well to treat me with respect you vile cunt.
>English is synonymous with White
So you didn't feel gay enough after making a whiny post about "le people posting stuff i dont like :((((", you also attached a garbage bait to it. Great stuff man. Have a pity (You).
seeing people pick up the Ukraine cause reminded me of a lot of being a kid and going to war with Iraq. Only this time now I could see through the bullshit and just how easily manipulated people are into caring about a country that has zero relevance to the United States.
Its even more infuriating seeing other Americans picking sides in this conflict with Russia just to be contrarian.
It is literally unironically true.
Makes me feel fucking insane how there was no outrage on this level when Crimea was taken 8 fucking years ago.
we should've turned moscow to glass in 1945.
Russia has produced some of the best literature, music and painting. I genuinely cannot name a single Ukrainian besides Zoglensky.
You Vodkaniggers have been shitting up geopolitical discussion far too long.