Porn is Raping your Brain

a few funny pornography facts
>addiction to pornography functions similarly to the chemical dependency on cocaine
>some studys suggest it reduces gray matter in the brain
>Porn-use being OK is a lie perpetuated because it brings in more money than the NFL, NBA and MLB combined
>watching pornography doubles the rate of divorce
>the more you watch pornography, the more likely to watch "minor intercourse"
>erectile disfunction is rising by the day
>the parent company of pornhub has a history of human trafficking monetization
>porn use is rising in adolescents, resulting in higher rates of depression and decrease in academic performance
>the earlier you start using pornography, the more likely you are to form a drug addiction
Quit now and end these mental restrictions

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thanks user. this is a sign

yes brother, follow the light and end the abuse of your meat

Perhaps it’s time to stop

what if i only like 2-D porn? what now?? HUH?

>Porn-use being OK is a lie perpetuated because it brings in more money than the NFL, NBA and MLB combined
only retards pay for porn and you have to be new to the internet to not use adblock

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translated into weeb speak for you
a fwew omoshiroi sugoi fwacts UwU
>addwiction two ecchi baka cwontwent fwunctions swimilarwy two de Chwemicwal dwepwendwency on Caramel dansen
>swome studies swuggest it unwinkles youw bwain, ew winkles
>hentai OVA's awe and impwotant pwart of the otaku ecwonomy
>loli hentai yummy child belly erotic (;o;)
>Fwat bwelly makes PP hawd to see
>pornhub swelld sexy elf swaves for iswekai Onisan two bwuy
>ahegao hoddies awe neawrly sowciawy accweptable and hikikomoris will rwuin teh ecwonomy (vewy sad)
>shotas shwouldn't watch dirty baka cwontwent!!!
quwit and unwinkwle ywouw bwain


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>the earlier you start using pornography, the more likely you are to form a drug addiction

Can I get a source on this? I've been looking at the shit since I was 10 and have actually 0 addictions.

This shit has been debunked.

You're one of those Proud As All Heck boys, concerned, I mean REALLY concerned, about other men masturbating. You homo!

That's pretty fucked up, but here you are on the internets advocating your weird lifestyle for everyone to see.

I gather you have low T, and masturbating makes you faint and trembly, but a real man with a functioning level of testosterone is only invigorated by the occasional release of semen.

It's you, OP, not anyone else.

i am a woman though, i better be low T


bump 2

Okay but whats better on this earth than busting fat nuts all day long and being a greasy fuck who does nothing

a loving wife and family, this ensures both desires of the flesh and the soul

k i think ill stop for a while. but any tips on quiting? i usually work out or work on a personal project.

simply bee yourself

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>addiction to pornography functions similarly to the chemical dependency on cocaine

So does literally, and i mean literally literally, everything that feels nice or makes you happy. "Makes brain produce happy hormones" is this similarity. What are you, a buzzfeed clickbait article? Read a book. (But not a good book - that would function similarly to the chemical dependency on cocaine.)

Heck, having a loving wife cook your favorite dinner functions similarly to the chemical dependency on cocaine you absolute goddamn dimwit.