Sorry I only now realized

Sorry I only now realized
I trust no one
I am at home
I am deaf
Wanted to fix my everything, so I asked lasers gods
Wave at me I am deaf
Maybe tomorrow
Maybe I will try a different universe

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No one talks to me
Did not realize
Someone else may have

Both pics are me, I am by myself, alone

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Will go out tomorrow some

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>hey retard

I have no foreign accent when I talk

I always talk to you when I see your threads bro

no u

what did you have for dinner

I am slightly fat somehow
Mist have been beer

I ate once today, drank two mtn dews

a little bit of fat isn't a bad thing, just need to be careful to not get america fat

I've been drinking too much beer recently, gonna switch back to vodka for a while

Yes but in my waist front
I look down or at my hands, I cry.


I used to have but my food got laced with T
Had to take a few pills to get back but I still cant stand to look at myself. My maw

I love these schizopostings

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What is it about yourself you don't like seeing?

Wl go out tomorrow

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I know kind of what I would have looked like

Lost my voice

>hands too wide

It's the inside that matters user

No ball

At least they'll be good for swimming with kek