Can anyone explain why Apple made devices that look like a toilet devices-cover? Was it some kind of iToilet fetish?

Can anyone explain why Apple made devices that look like a toilet devices-cover? Was it some kind of iToilet fetish?

Attached: ecf4b33ad1766b6be60a5184ba72db3d.jpg (990x1283, 150.52K)

Attached: 1662989948816.png (512x512, 447.62K)

Because you open it up and there's shit

What’s a “toilet devices,” Rakesh?


>toilet devices


Lol poopers gonna poop

These pics are the best application of stable diffusion yet.

Clocktower is a cool game. I like the premise though I've never played it for long. It's one of those games that has a very slow boil and it takes a bit to get to the point. The game itself is rife with cutscenes so there's a fair bit of waiting for things to happen. When things do happen it's a pretty fun game. The thing being it's also one of those games where if you die you're going all the way back to the beginning to watch a slew of unskippable cutscenes. Fortunately, save states are the bread and butter of emulators and it's a feature which will probably save this game from becoming too frustrating. Emulators are cool. I'm considering spending thousands of dollars on a gaming computer to buy a computer capable enough of running Playstation 2 games from 2002 at 4k 60FPS LSD DMT MDMA Ketamine. It's a bit of a mystery why anybody bothers will purchasing DRM Krokodil Methamphetamine Crack-Cocaine Robitussin Johnson's No More Tears Baby Shampoo remakes and "remasters" when there's high-powered emulation capable of running games far beyond their native graphical capacity. Truth be told, with a little technical knowledge, enough for a high schooler to impress their parents, there's a whole world of entertainment available to you at your fingertips. The internet is great and with all of humankind's accomplishments and catastrophes at your fingertips you're able to actualise yourself into what the imagination of yourself guides you to be. If you understand what the internet is and how you're able to use it, you're a powerful person. A lot of people know what the internet is but they don't understand what it is. How we wake up and we're not in awe of what this thing is every single day of our lives is incredible. No longer do you have to traverse the damp and sycophantic depths of academia to teach yourself the skills on how to mould the world to your will. You do not need permission from anybody. All you need to do is understand what the internet is and how to use it.

Anyone who puts any investment into applying the mating theory of primates to courtship between people I guarantee you that they jack it to cuck porn.

is this supposed to look like Satania?
because that's what came to my mind

>why Apple made devices that look like a toilet devices-cover
Sovl you wouldn't get it.

Yes, see

Who dares rival the brave dick lick clique?

sir they are containment the toilet witch


based. i bet the toilet witch cabal killed steve for this.

early 2000s was the last remnants of the 90s where america didn't give a fuck about being "grown up" the era that lasted from the 60's to the mid 2000s

>that double quotation mark
iToddler calm down

Because they probably looked good back then, taste for design
and graphics change over time.

This. Computers where still a serious work related tool. Not some cool lifestyle product. These popping colors probably tried to lighten up the image of home computing.