Was this guy a hero?

Was this guy a hero?

All i know about what he released was information on how the government spied on citizens illegaly.

Did he also release information that had nothing to do with this and put people in danger?

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No he’s a faggot.

Pretty sure he was just an average spy. They just told him to make what he found public instead of quietly sending it back. And then he went home to his wife in Russia. Just a hunch though.

>Did he also release information that had nothing to do with this and put people in danger?
Nope. In fact, he gathered intel about the illegal spying programs, then only gave it to media agencies who agreed to go through and release only what they believed was safe to release. Double safety concern.

The fact that people - to this day - call him a villain and pretend that the information he leaked isn't real... Well... I want to see them hoisted on their own petard.

>hoist by their own petard

nope, he was just "revealing" programs that had already been made public during the bush administration with the added bonus of being the kind of guy who was totally for the war on terror until obama got elected then was instantly opposed

He didn't get married until 4 years after he released the documents.

Social media and websites in general collecting user data, was a conspiracy theory before Snowden.

If the programs were already public knowledge then what was his crime, retard?

He leaked info about people the US had overseas, got them killed. He is no hero.

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for Russia? дa

Nah that's Donald Trump
snowden leaked information about NSA signals programs

I work for the NSA. People don't know about the shit he really released.

is this the blueanon conspiracy for Snowden? that he was REALLY a secret Russian spy all along? KEK

i am sure you would mention that you work for the NSA if you worked for the NSA

He made people think the NSA was spying on them.

The only reason the NSA would spy on you is if you are a terrorist or if you associate with a terrorist.

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cool story bro.

He's a god damn traitor is what he is. God Bless America.

The NSA is the #1 Employer where I'm from, It's not that crazy.

It would be a retarded thing to lie about.

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uh huh

you're posting on an anonymous Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum. no one knows where you're from and nobody gives a shit, so saying it would be stupid to lie about it means less than nothing; you either have valuable information or you don't. currently, you've provided zero valuable information and have attempted to assert expertise by claiming that you're employed by the NSA.

so what exactly did he release that we don't know about?