Raspberry Pi is shit now

Less powerful then a phone
Needs a fan on itself now, unlike a phone
ARM based like a phone

They should have never cranked up that shit to need a fan.

It is crap now.

Attached: Raspberry_Pi_logo.jpg (2962x3291, 562.69K)

... What?
I mean maybe if you've overclocked it but I overclocked my pi4 to 2.2 ghz and it's fine with just a heatsink.

>... What?
There is a Raspberry Pi fan.


Remember when the Pi did not need a heatsink?

What the Pi needs is a RTC not more meme shit.
This will never be a real PC for work.

>Less powerful then a phone
Hasn't this always been true?

>Hasn't this always been true?
Why do they need the heat sinks and fans now?

Can you even buy one


>Less powerful then a phone
So what?? You fail to grasp the very purpose of RPi.

filtered by sbc's. point at this faggot and laugh

Attached: EAF6D801-576C-4E1D-A4F8-27EAA227B8C2.gif (294x392, 1.5M)

>Needs a fan
No it doesn't. They just sell those for overclockers.

Runs my Poverty NAS just fine.
Unfortunately they're scalped to all hell but zram on my 4 2GB sticks it to them.

I've got two.
One blocks ads and acts as a home VPN.
The other runs a 3D printer (klipper).
A phone wouldn't do either.

Attached: 1662672666526458.png (640x512, 344.95K)

>Raspberry Pi is shit now
The RPi4 is slower than your average budget phone from 2012, It's always been a joke.

can you not to do everything on one?

I could but the 3D printer is in a workshop and the pivpn/wireguard fellow is bff's with my router.
I don't feel like running the cables and the printer needs a USB connection.
So no, they can't.

Still not getting the point.

actually you can, you can run entire distros in a container with termux, USB-C dongle for I/O.

Yeah but that's really fucking dumb, though.

>It uses a heckin 4w and costs $3̶5̶ $4̶5̶ $55

because it uses housefire cores (A72) instead of cuck cores (A53) now

I never use a fan, it will just throttle when overheated. I recently built a mid-sized C++ project from source on my RPi2. It took entire weekend. I am in no hurry.