You get to build a terminal from scratch

New protocols, new ui metaphors, new abstractions, line 0. What do you do?

Attached: 9ABBC691-5B2D-4A8C-98CB-300B8EC3660A.png (1364x956, 269.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>line 0. What do you do?
import LOGO

Terminals today are bloated as fuck and unnecessary
Just use /dev/tty

>put some buttons instead
>make termitards rage

echo terminals are gay
kill $PPID

Make it so you can use c-c across all programs including terminal


Fork bash.

Do it with dotnet on Linux

Make the logo

Attached: Microsoft_Windows_95_Version_4.00.1111_command.com_MS-DOS_Prompt_492x259.png (492x259, 10.6K)

This thread sound about right. That’s why people that come from Any Forums can never invent new stuff. Only complain about the new. And then they wonder why they’re not part of the top teams in any industry

>And then they wonder why they’re not part of the top teams in any industry
The "top teams in industry" think improving the CLI involves emulating a VT220 in Javascript instead of C.

>Thinks you can "just build new terminal metaphors" on Unix

the GNU/Linux terminal is perfect and should not be changed
maybe just put a confirmation when running rm -rf

terminal, but upside down

Something like pixel perfect native ncurses windows would be cool. Very very minimal UI abilities would be neat.
For example, things like vim auto tab completion popups look and act like dogshit. It would be nice if when a program needs a pop-up like that, if it was native, intuitive, and looked uniform

how do you use this device without a fucking terminal entry?

Who said anything about Unix?
Even then, you are wrong.
Unix supports many terminals, many of them with graphics capabilities. There is nothing preventing your from adding a new terminal type to termcap.

I would have no terminal. Use the capabilities of your hardware.

>There is nothing preventing your from adding a new terminal type to termcap.
>using literal trannyware
>Horton successfully requested the first transgender-inclusive language added to the Equal Employment Policy in a large American company, and championed the language and insurance coverage of transgender health benefits at other companies. [4]
>Horton was introduced to UNIX at Wisconsin, creating an enhanced UNIX text editor called hed. At Berkeley, she contributed to the development of Berkeley UNIX, including the vi text editor, uuencode (the first mechanism for binary Email attachments), w and load averages, termcap, and curses. Her Ph.D. dissertation was the creation of a new type of syntax directed editor with a textual interface. This technology was later used to create computer-aided software engineering tools.

Ngl she sounds based unlike the attention trannies of today (thanks, TikTok!)

Build a GUI, like everyone else in the last 40 years.