How do you plan to mourn the loss of gods greatest gift?

How do you plan to mourn the loss of gods greatest gift?

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shut the fuck up

Sounds like someone is taking the loss of Corey hard.
We've all been there


No father should have to berry his own sun

RIP COREY. Choked on one of andy's log's


He didn't even live to see his father turn sixxty...

By violating his corpse.

I'm getting pissed... no threat or anything... just getting pissed

Corey's upset too.
Look down at us from the great pawn shop in the sky

do we have the technology to bring him back

Huh like I'm sixteen again. Frens. Let's smoke pot.

The doctor's were trying but Corey's dad only offered to pay $20 for the surgery.
It was highest he could go.

Could he go up to 25? Or does he have to make a profit?

He's calling the guy rn

I'm literally shaking. I cant believe he is gone.

By preserving his memory long after you have berried him

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Guys you're gonna have to bury me again

I farted today and it smelled like sour beef
which is how I like to remember him

I remember when I was sixxteen. My throte done slidd like it used to.


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Mature a little, eustace