Anons, I had a sex with a black girl AMA

Anons, I had a sex with a black girl AMA

Attached: BE68A192-3695-4E8E-B80A-46C9A3ED7779.jpg (934x1530, 949.92K)

is it true 50% of black women have herpes?

how does it feel to wake up stupid?

Do you regret it or feel disgusted now?


You are the victim of a crime. Your sperm was stolen from you.

do black women like white men?

No questions, but you should go get an STD panel. Preferably, one of those porn shoot tests that look for the top 500 diseases.

inb4 aids

enjoy your STDs

No feel, only stoop
No - Black pussy be good frfr
No - no beast possibly
Yes - I’m semi white , but yes

No test, I wore a condom
See above response
Sprite , Trees and Doritos? Hell yes

>No - Black pussy be good

Most of black celebrities i find have mullato or "black" groupies/wives. Which is werid because the sterotype of black men chasing white women

So, you can guarantee that you got none of her bodily fluids on you? Was it a full body condom?

You know, condoms don’t protect against monkeypox, genital warts, herpes, crabs, hpv, giardia…

I don’t follow celebs too much, but that could be.

No it was a normal condom, some wetness was on or around my penis - I remember holding up the condom after and seeing the cum in it .

It's called seminal reparations you nazi

I keep my body hair trim - , She want street , she was educated , I had good visuals of the body

I'm honored but I can't ask questions to such based individuals.

That's all it takes. You've got warts now.

Checked and ok, you could , but ok.

I had good visuals , and she was bare like I just moved in .

How is the aids??
Feeling sick yet