Easiest, Low Effort CS Jobs

Hey frens,

I am 24 years old and recently obtained a B.S. in Biochemistry. The problem is, I never really wanted it and just grinded through due to the pressure from parents. The job outlook out of college for someone with no experience (covid killed all the labs at my school) is horrendous and I am not interested in the kind of work anyways. I am now in the driver seat and want to work towards something on my own volition that I can be passionate about.

I am looking for a quick (>1 year) certification I can get in CS for a job that is really easy and can give me time to pursue my real passion of trading stock options. What I have found so far is QA automation at a non-tech institute or for the government seems to be what I am looking for. I am not too concerned about long-term advancement because I could go back and get my CS degree if I do end up loving the field and am more so looking to leave the house and become independent. I'd really appreciate any input from you guys and all the information you could give me about jobs and specific certifications.



TL;DR Fast CS certs that get me an ez as fuck job.

Attached: 9.11 PEPE.jpg (501x414, 42.5K)

I can't give advice, but good luck nigger

install gentoo



install gentoo

Install it.

ok now what?

First off, throw away whatever garbage computer you're using. Get a Thinkpad. Get a CRT monitor. Do not use the built-in display and connect to the CRT instead. Also, don't use the built-in keyboard either, buy a mechanical keyboard with custom keys (Colemak layout.) Scrap the windows install and then install gentoo. Install a tiling wm like i3 instead of something like gnome. Use emacs then learn Haskell and Scheme to the point where you can build complex programs. Virtually every CS dev does most of this. Once you've done all this, then come back and ask again.

here user, for you.

Attached: AllThoseYearsOfTraining.png (383x300, 173.09K)

Thx :)

You went though a whole 4 years and obtained god knows how much debt for a degree you don't care for just because your parents expected it of you. Holy fuck man you are beyond redemption. you just wasted what could have been a very worthwhile time of your life. And you'd probably have better prospects too had you done something you liked... Like cs

fuck off we're full

>helicopter parents
>dead degree
>delusions of business
>looking for shortcuts to success
Many such cases

6 years* And actually 0 debt after biden's announcement. Before that it was less than 10k. :-) I don't think it was a total waste. Partied and traveled a lot.

So true!

you're both a retard and a cuck. should've just done what you wanted to from the start. what a waste of time.

ik. uncucked now tho.

An associate degree in CS might work, in most countries it only takes two years.

Network+, SeC+ congrats on your 45-50k a year wfh help desk job. You'll be bored in a about 3 months.

thx for an actual suggestion user