Most based article I've read this month

Most based article I've read this month.

Wake up and smell the coffee if you love your freedom dearly.

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>be me
>24 y/o femanon, been fucking the same guy for 6 years
>never had much sexual experience outside my bf
>bf decides to join the military
>i can finally unleash my inner slut
>fast forward to now
>bf has been deployed for six months, told him when he gets back i will marry him
>i have already fucked at least 15 guys while he was gone
>while hes out there in the field suffering, probably gonna die, i’ve been out here living the dream
>life is good

He has no idea ive been cheating on him lmao
He is a journalist and youtuber

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Isn't Rick Scott one of those faggots that wants to ban the freedom to not have to pay child support to some whore for 18 years?

As if "fact-checker" and "analyst" B.S. actually *invalidates* the truthful claims made in the article. lol

as long as republicans are either executed or in prison, ill vote for it

yes, the opinions of nazis you pretend are facts are definitely real

get help user

Never happen. Keep jacking off to your "pronouns".

Fuck off and die in the upcoming Civil War, faggot. We're bringing this motherfucker down. If this country isn't going to be OUR WAY, then we're sure as fuck not going to let you existential slugs have it YOUR way.

Is "No, you !!!" all cons have left?

Daily reminder that there is no "Woke Left."
"Woke Left" is a fictional marketing demographic invented by Madison Avenue ad designers to classify existential guilt vulnerable, white middle class and tech money customers.
They have no 'plan,' for America or otherwise. They're lucky if they can pay off their student loans before their kids have student loans.
So some smartassed ad techs thought they could re-package the 'Woke Left' as a bogeyman for the elections back in 2014, and they were right.
The Right ran with it after that. The rest, as they say is history.
...Very stupid history.

I know these kind of influence campaigns are extremely cheap and that the republican party has had very poor fundraising lately, but you really do need to fuck off back to Any Forums

I call bullshit, no way do they have a panel of a liberal, centrist and conservative. The liberal wouldn't be able to tolerate the other two, and the working environment would be toxic because the liberal would be constantly insulting the other two or trying to get them canceled/fired.

They are all just pretenders that are liberal, pushing whatever political narrative their bosses want. Who fact checks the fact checkers? Do they get fired if they fail to tell the truth? Probably not.

Want proof of my claim? This site calls something "problematic". Under no circumstances would a centrist or conservative put their name to ANYTHING media related with that in it. That is a left-unique term, specific to cultural Marxists.

This is demonstrable bullshit.

The woke left consists of the following subgroups:
1. Cultural marxists
2. Feminists, particularly 3rd wave, but they all pretty much are the same misandrist cunts
3. And your self-hating whites who have an out-group preference because of jew brainwashing
4. The LGBTBBQ crew

The third group may or may not be politically active apart from voting blue, but groups 1 and 2 are HYPER activists (as is 4) and are very obvious in videos and media. They also happen to be in charge of various things like BLM, Disney, some tech companies, and so on. Pretty much ALL the major companies kowtow to group 4, pretty strange to bow to a group that is "made up" as you claim.

>>Senator Rick Scott cries about something again.

Must be a day that ends in y

"The American Experiment" ended with WWII
Take your spam somewhere else, shitburger drone

its almost like anyone can just assert and make up whatever the fuck they want.

also look at the eyes of that dude.

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stopped reading at cultural marxists.
that nonsense is nothing but extreme right propaganda.

Holy shit these fucking retards live in an alternate reality, I swear.

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>also look at the eyes of that dude.
he's a nut
and also a piece of shit thieving scammer.
the company he ran defrauded medicare to the tune of 1.7billion. the guy pocketed a lot of that.
the company ended up having to pay a huge fine but of course nothing happened to him.
and meanwhile everyone just memory holes it.

kinda gay to be honest

pRick Scott is a another of the mentally ill who either end up on the streets or in congress.
My god America has so many

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