Another kernel update, another regression

>another kernel update, another regression
>laptop can't wake up from sleep
I'm tired of being free QA
recommend me stable distro

Attached: Archlinux-vert-dark.svg.png (1200x899, 65.54K)

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

whats qa stand for

Or Xubuntu

probably gonna install Ubuntu, or gather courage to buy Mac and drop Linux altogether

What you want is Fedora

Just switch to linux-lts, bro.

it's same shit, they also ship latest kernel with latest bugs and regressions


yup, that's what i did. never looked back. mac just werks.

Debian Stable

Literally *anything* else
You CHOSE to choose a distribution that operates on a rolling release schedule. If you wanted a stable distribution, you should have picked one. But you're a retard who reads Any Forums, and thinks Arch Linux makes you 1337 or something, so you went with that

I feel like the arch unstable thing is a Any Forums meme, I never had a crash or lock up on Arch.

too old for my system, tried it last year, had to get kernel from backports and firmware from testing to have usable system

Everyone knows what the "stable" Linux distros are. They're the 3 that are used in the professional world; Debian, Ubuntu LTS, and RHEL.
For a home user who wants something a bit more up to date for things like games, Fedora or Ubuntu.
Threads like these are pointless.


Can't you just switch arch to a stable kernel?
Kind of defeats the purpose of arch but it might be less hassle

>a grub update just broke thousands of systems
>well it works fine for me

Its called having a backup.kernel

What is this post supposed to infer

you might not like it, but this is peak desktop linux experience

a grub update broke what? works for me

Fedora keeps your last three kernels by default. You can do that on Arch too, but you're apparently a brainlet like most Arch users. Probably installed via the script and have zero idea how to configure your system. Many such cases!

You're smarter than most retarded Any Forums posters

>running arch without even being subscribed to the mailing list

Yes there's a LTS kernel package you can install

Arch being unstable is a reality meme

>greentext spamming like it's supposed to make you look cool and not just out you as a retarded frogposter itching to post his apu oc

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arch. it's not my fault you turned on the testing repos.
quality assurance
most fosstards use an archaic definition of the word. to them stable doesn't mean it doesn't crash or delete your files, it literally means that the software doesn't get updated. feature updates are considered unstable because the software has changed.
it worked fine for almost everyone. the update only broke for people using boards in uefi mode but where fwsetup didn't work, which is rare and that's why it was merged to grub master without being caught. if you want edge cases to be impossible, buy a fucking mac

He's right, and you're only exposing the fact that you only use Arch because you think it makes you look like le epic computer hacker when you post your neofetch output in desktop threads.

parabola, hyperbola, trisquel.

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