I really don't want to go to Jury Duty, but I also don't want to be a felon for avoiding my civic duty...

I really don't want to go to Jury Duty, but I also don't want to be a felon for avoiding my civic duty. The fuck do I do?

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Get disqualified. Say some stupid shit that I'm sure you believe like blacks aren't people, or gay people should be culled.

Any appearance of bias will get you kicked off easily.

The problem is, I truly am impartial, because I don't give a single fuck. However, I don't have a car, or ride, or money for public transportation, and I'm not fit enough to walk the several miles it will take to get there, let alone on time.

Tell them you have Covid. Boom easy

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Speculation, not sure about this, but...
A claimed belief that the justice system does not work, is inherently unjust, or something like judgment being the domain of the divine and not for mortal interference or usurpation
Just some guesses

Former coworker of mine kept getting selected so he started saying he was a blatant racist and would alter his beliefs to be totally biased in the trial. Got disqualified every time.

did jury duty a few months ago, just fucking call the courthouse and tell them your situation. The whole point of the selection is to weed out people that won't work, not just due to impartiality, but the court wants shit to move quickly... you tell them your fucked to get there on time, they wont want you there.

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Well, obviously all the ugly people are guilty.

i did jury duty in about the exact same situation, at the end of the day when they sent all the potential jurors back home i was literally the first one called to not come back. call the courthouse and tell them your issues.

I filled out their stupid internet forum. They sent me a notice saying that I was inexcusable. Here's the situation. The original notice said to call the Friday before my standby date, after 17:00, and I did, but the person I was supposed to talk to only works until 16:00, and they take weekends off. I was scheduled for a Monday, so I called on Monday and they didn't refer me to talk to anyone, because their system is an automated piece of shit. So I went online to let them know I couldn't make it, and they send me threatening letters two weeks later.

Say you have hearing loss. Huh? What?

When they send that form in the mail. your goal when filling it out is to be found presently incompetent.
For me that's just not knowing court terminology and genuinely not fucking understanding what's going on, and that's been enough to disqualify me.
They'll probably ask about covid as well. Since I had it in the past I answered honestly. I also did not have a reliable internet connection to be able to attend the meeting over Zoom or whateverthefuck they use.

Checked, and I wish it was that simple, but I couldn't even get a hold of them. I guess seeing as they're mad now I'm going to try their new number they gave me tomorrow and see what I can do. I just feel like, if I don't work or pay taxes, and I can't take care of myself. How am I supposed to make an opinion of someone? If they had any fucking evidence, they would put the fucker in jail, they don't need my fucking opinion, because my opinion doesn't mean shit.

Why the fuck do americans hate Jury Duty so much? It's sounds like the best shit ever.

Is it because it's something you need to do regularely?

Yeah, that's why jury duty is kinda retarded. They just throw you in without explaining how shit works or anything. Why is it up to us to make decisions anyway? Isn't that what the fucking judge is there for?
They should at least teach us about jury duty in school or something, because fugg

It's because the fate of one man shouldn't be decided by their peers. The judge should be competent enough to analyze evidence, and if there isn't any, then let the poor fucker go.

A niggette my age avoided jurt duty by proving to the court that she could never be unbiased because she would always side against whoever was white lmao

I keep saying it.. if the police knew the law they would be lawyers. No one knows the fucking law because there's too many of them. The general rule of thumb is just don't be a cunt.

It's not regular; it's completely random.
Another reason why it's retarded; why should random retards with no education in law be in charge of deciding someone's fate?

You may not be that impressed with yourself, but if you don't go the standard jury makeup will continue to be 11 junior members of the local eldercare facility and a real estate broker
now imagine trying to explain how you didn't do to this group

the karmic circle for skipping jury duty is that you will someday also have to plead your case in front of 12 people who spend most of their days watching law & order reruns, where the police never make mistakes, and never arrest the wrong person

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>The fuck do I do?
Just appear to have some anti-court bias.
Say you think the courts are out to get the little guys.
Say you eat your own poop.
Or better yet: JUST DO IT.
Jury duty is the most entertaining thing you'll do all fucking year, plus it gives you power over somebody else's life.
I'm 100% lost on why people avoid it.

>all the ugly people are guilty.
You can see it in their eyes.

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ask for a hardship deferral

this is the best advice

lawyers will almost never ask about that

>They just throw you in without explaining how shit works or anything
that's the whole point. you're not supposed to have training, you're supposed to be a joe schmo.

>Why is it up to us to make decisions anyway? Isn't that what the fucking judge is there for?
no, the judge decides the law, you decide the facts
"what are the elements of an aggravated assault charge" = law = judge's job
"did the old lady tell the truth when she testified" = fact = jury's job

>They should at least teach us about jury duty in school or something
they do, 11th grade, you forgot or weren't paying attention

>they do, 11th grade, you forgot or weren't paying attention
nah, they didn't. I passed both social studies and government with an A.

I honestly don't want that many people judging me. If I'm guilty I'll just admit it.
That's just a generalization so I don't have to have it on record that I'm racist.
I'll look that up in the morning. I'm exhausted and it's going to be a long week ahead of me regardless

You're a monster.
No wonder you're 35 and don't have kids.
You too, you fucking closet homo.
This is the one and only chance for we the people to have any say in government.
But hey, I guess sheeple gonna shepple.

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I never even took government, I was a special education student and they never taught me anything. If it wasn't for autocorrect I probably couldn't even compose this sentence.

Dunno where you got those statistics and opinions, but you can shove them both up your ass, friend.


Just like assholes, everybody's got one.
Or in your case, you ARE one.
Just throw humanity /democracy/some random stranger under the bus because you can't be bothered to go do something other than your dead-end job for a day or two.