Will pizza and diet coke enhance my coding performance?

Will pizza and diet coke enhance my coding performance?

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for me it's water and an open window for nice fresh air.
it keeps me awake and fresh

no. won't make it worse either.

>diet coke
pointless without the sugar, the sweetener it uses actually damages your body more in large quantities.

that's how you do it boy

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how is a blood alcohol level of .14 achieved?

caffeine will do that to an extent, yes

pizza is shit tier junk, you want to eat chad foods that actually make your body feel better, like chicken, tuna and steak.

i used to drink like a twelve pack of diet coke a day and also pretty much eat only pizza
like once a week i'd go to the store and buy a bunch of diet coke, and then order like 2 extra large pizzas, and the pizza would last me about a week
so i felt like i could relate to him, except im dogshit at programming, lol
eating pizza everyday is the bomb tho

>Will pizza and diet coke enhance my coding performance?
Absolutely not.

I disagree and I stopped both in my diet a while ago.
Coffee aint better either.

Actually it's nuts, greens and other veges and some fibre.

Everyone is different, go eat your fucking nuts.

For me it's steak only.

Fun fact: There's no evidence that John Carmack is a genius programmer as is commonly claimed. The most commonly cited example is the inverse square root code, which was written by a PhD from silicon graphics, and stolen by the young Carmack who didn't even understand how it worked. What Carmack code has been released hasn't shown any prodigious talent, and Carmack's philosophy is a heavy dependence on IDEs and verbose OOP, not exactly what is generally associated with elegant code. More recently, he lent his name to the embarrassing covid 19 code from the imperial college in London, where he showed that he has no knowledge whatsoever when it comes to regression models, which is understandable given that he has no proper education. Of course, that didn't stop Carmack from presenting himself as an authority on the subject, cheered on by his fan base.

Enjoy your lack of thiamine then.
That said, I eat a lot of meat largely for iron. The protein is also fine but the cholesterol is out of control in most food we eat. What sucks the most is that lipids are definitely needed for memory reasons, but they also hinder our cardio system. So unless we discover a way of minimising vascular cholesterol and blockages while maximising the useful aspects of lipids in our body, or a way to keep our arteries clearer artificially (very dangerous), we're doomed to cardio entropy in our bodies. From memory that kills more people than simple cell death and cancer... don't quote me on that though.

That said, greasy fast food can often perk me up during study because it basically acts like a drug to our body.
But I do not recommend coke and pizza because that shit has ruined my body and I'm not even at average weight (in fact a bit below).
I've been living off sandwiches, nuts, meats, water and coffee for months now and the change is actually fucking nuts. But sometimes (not very often, about once a fortnight) I do some fast food just to get any potential missed nutrition (which is ironic) particularly with fats.

I miss coke though, it was my favourite beverage. I hate aging, everything sucks. You party till 23 and it's like a fucking wall from then on.

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Just use adderall or modafinil, if you are amerimutt its not big deal to obtain this

>Fun fact: There's no evidence that John Carmack is a genius programmer as is commonly claimed
His genius is not actually ability with calculations and properly understanding the tech.
His genius is overcoming his personal technological obstacles on his own with not as much help as you'd think and then putting it together in a marketable little game that he enjoyed and wanted to make. He was the tech/software/hardware ideas nerd at id, Romeo was the game design/setting/feel idea geek.

But then they had like a 5 or so other dudes that are underrated themselves. There was a strong team of curious individuals there and it turned into DOOM.
Most of the games I like today wouldn't exist but for DOOM. That is all that must be said.

I like how immediately Carmack bee lined for VR. Oldfags here might not realise it, nor even teens, but very young kids today are obsessed with it. I was talking to small cousins a while back and they love it. It's nothing like any of the VR culture we've had in the 90s, 00s or even early 10s.
I wonder how it's selling. I'm just interested in the applicability of VR for cybernetics because eyes are starting to get shit and my ears also.

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Next you're going to tell me that Elon Musk isn't actually an astrophysicist.

enjoy dying at 50 retard

If people can chain-smoke 20 packs a day and still reach 90 he can eat a lot of steak and be fine. It's all down to physical fitness and genetics in the end.

the world is gonna end in 10 years retard none of it matters

>You party till 23 and it's like a fucking wall from then on
lmao wait until you're 30, you're in for a treat

So you think you're some kind of demigod that can eat red meat every day non-stop with no consequences

I'm certainly not, but that user may be. But as long as you're not eating exclusively red meat, you don't need to be "some kind of demigod" to stay healthy and live a long life, even if you do eat it every single day.

You simply extract your blood, weigh it, add the correct amount of alcohol and put it back in.

>So you think you're some kind of demigod that can eat red meat every day non-stop with no consequences
Like my ancestors before me, yes. Fresh fruit and fresh meat, only

Prove it

show a single proof that acesulfame k will "damage your body" (unless you drink 500 gallons on the spot)

friendship, purpose, regular exercise, houseplants

>If people can chain-smoke 20 packs a day and still reach 90
Those days are over.
Those people are dropping like flies now.

But worse than that are pharmaceutical medications, which are bordering neurotoxic in the manner they are used. The problem is, many psychiatrists will openly admit these risks to patients. The problem lies not with them, but with the pharmaceutical companies themselves and their method of marketing and information control. The need to be open and frank now or people will just have to start ignoring their service regardless of other health risks that pitchfork people into submitting to them.

This is potentially a liability if you are not aware of those that exploit connections for the sake of mere information sources and control of competition.
Good friends are becoming harder and harder to find, because often these sockpuppeteers will manipulate groups of friends to isolate the problematic "interlopers" of their covert activities.

They don't even need to be from an organisation, some will merely behave like this privately for themselves.
This is why Discord really is a disaster now.