New Technology!

I made a technology for GNU+Linux artists

Brush file:
Put it in ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/brushes/ or something like that

Source file:
When you add a new layer, make sure to right click on layer -> "Layer to image size", otherwise the 'jak will come out cropped. When exporting, put the number of layers in the fields "Number of cells" and "Ranks" (the default is wrong sometimes).

Attached: soyjakbrush.webm (1280x720, 801.54K)

>I made a technology for GNU+Linux artists
>Brush file:
>Put it in ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/brushes/ or something like that
>Source file:
>When you add a new layer, make sure to right click on layer -> "Layer to image size", otherwise the 'jak will come out cropped. When exporting, put the number of layers in the fields "Number of cells" and "Ranks" (the default is wrong sometimes).

Attached: 104 - beard clothes glasses hair open_mouth richard_stallman soyjak technology variant markiplier_soyjak.png (674x884, 21.54K)


Attached: 1662894121927.jpg (708x800, 127.53K)

Attached: 1662885149170429.gif (400x400, 3.85M)


nu-soijak wave is discord

Attached: f77.jpg (600x531, 71.72K)


Attached: shot-2022-09-11_14-11-56.jpg (1333x798, 166.27K)

I wasn't aware people actually used these unironically. This is almost more eye opening than the time I heard someone tell someone else to "cope and seethe" in public.

put me in the screencap

Attached: 1650620920766.png (650x612, 147.53K)

Tell us about that time.

Thanks for reading. But to continue reading my blog please consider subscribing for only $4.

thanks user


obsessed rent fren

its name is ack

no u

Kino brush, thanks bro

Nice brush dude.
Just testing the brush here, I didn't made the background image.

Attached: science-fiction-gorillas-apes-power-armor-soyified.jpg (1920x1200, 906.81K)


Attached: keksoy.png (3200x1080, 1.08M)

qa is like a cockroach

/qa/ can't stop winning