Rich "people" aren't human

Rich "people" are bad and are not subject to the same civil laws as poor people, not even the same laws of nature. Being rich is not natural. What would you like to see happen to the rich?

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I think that those at the top of businesses that underpay people (which is nearly all of them) should be jailed or killed.

How much would you pay people if you were st the top?

I agree in the context of the modern days but I believe the people were much better off(they were happier and worked less) under traditional classes like peasants and kings. I think this "equality" shit just backfired and people weren't ment to try to leave their different classes so soon. Democracy is bad because the masses need a higher group of genuinely more intelligent and benevolent people to rule them. Not greedy millionaires who don't need to protect and care for their workers as princes of old needed to. And to clarify I don't think I'd be one in the ruling class. I just want to go back to being a humble farmer instead of being a wagie.

You're all conned thinking mansions and yachts make you superior.

Free your mind and train your body and you'll be more rich than any one percentage fag

>Rich "people" aren't human
Can you show everyone where on the doll the rich person touched you?

Attached: where on the doll.png (647x500, 291.5K)

How so you do the free your mind part?

>t. temporarily embarrassed millionaire

Attached: 1532087954051.jpg (618x645, 90.62K)

>t. permanently embarrassed poor person

Grow the fuck up.

>rich couple acquire small private island in florida 30 years ago
>we win contract to build 4 story mansion
>indoor pool
>copper roof
>spiral staircase made specifically for them
>garage bigger than any house i lived in
>dog kennel larger than my current house
>has goddamn 'service entrance'
>couple divorce
>wife gets house
>turns out hubby fucked secretary, money actually came from wife
>has english accent but born in africa and white
>throughout building process, wife was a gem toward us
>held conversation w/us during breaks
>often served us lunch
>mom later becomes her housekeeper
>still calls four times a year, sends christmas gifts
the most pleasant, thoughtful, wonderful african-american i know is white and just barely a 1%-er

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I think a 4:1 ratio is ok. The highest paid person of a business cannot make more than 4x per hour the lowest paid worker.

Attached: averagecuntservative.png (3268x1780, 963.79K)

So a business brings in $4,000,000. There are 10 employees. So the CEO would make $888,888 and the employees would make $3.1 million combined. That's assuming that they are all working equal hours. But only the top guy aid the business is responsible for everything and effectively works 24/7. How can this be fair to the CEO?

You are retarded. Please go back to school

Explain how.

disingenuous to lump all the employees together and you know it
CEO makes 888,888
employee makes

How is he responsible for everything? He is onlyresponsible for his duties. And he is not working 24 hours you privileged white boy.

where is the cutoff line for "rich"?
are you talking about globally? historically?
are you refering to yearly income or net worth?
what qaulifies a person as 'rich'

also, living inside is 'not natural'
nor is living past 40 in most cases
nor are many other things

I have some bad news about what real knights were like user...

All other employees can just walk away from the business and be replaced. The CEO walks away and the businesses ceases to exist.
I messed up the calculation before. Each employee would get at least $286,000 while the CEO gets around $1.1 million. The CEO is on call for his business 24/7

>The CEO walks away and the businesses ceases to exist
No it doesn't

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