Wed your mouth to my asshole at once and we shall bring stability to the realm

Wed your mouth to my asshole at once and we shall bring stability to the realm.

Attached: Gape of Throtes.jpg (658x687, 220.12K)

kill yourself


How's your YouTube sub count going? Didn't look real good last time I checked. Better than BitChute though. Geez, that's embarrassing.


not funny or annoying or anything. just is.

Yes. I want your asshole on my mouth wed at once. That's how it need to be. I need Andy's shit down my throte. Yesterday I went a day without his shit and I cried imagining how beautiful sucking his shit would be then I cried because I couldn't suck Andy's shit down my whore throte yesterday. I was logless the horrors of loglessness. Never without logs i always say.

suck a sweaty one

Looks like logfag wants this thread to 404 quickly. I wonder why?

The Family dinner today my Cousin wrote a story that said her cousin told her he eats poop then just went into poop blah blah poop over and over. I was the only other cousin there. I actually do eat poop. I read the story and said I liked it and I thought it was funny. Why would I say that I like it unless I eat poop? My little cousin just trolled me into admitting to my whole family that I eat poop.That actually happened today.

>everyone is logfag








Sir would you please stop with the logs thread? Please sir

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