I got a real stupid ass idea brewing in my head. So stupid that it might just be kinda smart

I got a real stupid ass idea brewing in my head. So stupid that it might just be kinda smart

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I brew some coffee now my house smells like coffee it's pretty nice

Go on.

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if you put a magnet on the back of a train and a magnet on the front of another train then you can pull two trains for the energy of 1

Just hook them together fren.
The train still has to build up inertia. Even if the extra load is connected magnetically. It doesn't minimize the required energy expenditure to get the train moving.
I like that you're thinking tho.

ok how about this
>magnets on the rails
>magnets on bottom of train
literally a floating train

it's genius, it removes friction and saves so much energy

No such thing as a perpetual motion machine.
Magnets aren't magic. A train powered through the electromagnetic spectrum I do believe is called a monorail.
Which still requires energy to power.
Not to mention air resistance, friction, weight, etc.

isnt this the same as just building a bigger train?

Yeah magnets don't give the train more energy.
So may as well just manually connect them

Attached: NM23U.jpg (528x413, 21.7K)

If, theoretically, the trains would be perfectly on schedule, then magnetic repulsion could transfer momentum from the moving train to the stationary train, effectively saving some energy as the stationary train starts to move.

why can't we use magnets like that

That might work if you tapped a magnet to a hot wheel toy.
But a train is enormous user. Not to mention it carries tremendous weight and load.
And in the hot wheels analogy, your hand is still some "external" force that starts the chain of movement.
So that energy has to come from somewhere. The train is not going to magically move. Even with giant magnets.
Not to mention the weight of the magnets could cause problems and make the train front heavy. It could even destroy the train tracks and suck in surrounding automobiles.

I know its really fucking stupid, but now that I'm looking at this, if you had a setup like this with a rare earth magnet, rigid arm, on a matchbox car... why wouldn't something like this work

The forces cancel out because the magnet is part of the automobile.
The iron and magnet will simply come together. But not move the vehicle since its net force is zero.

It's not stupid.
It's a very valid thought. I've had it myself at one point lol.

but theres no way it works right? Maybe the car with the metal plate pulls on the magnet just as much as the magnet pulls on the plate? Cancels out, so nothing moves?

a magnetic field is symmetrical; in this diagram, the force exerted to the right is as strong as the force exerted to the left. this extends to the overall vehicle. the front bit exerts a forward force on the back, but the back bit exerts an equal backward force on the front bit.
the front bit tries to move back, the back bit tries to move forward. if the object is rigid, then neither can happen. if the object is not rigid, the magnets come together

okay so what if we had a huge line of vehicles with iron on one side and magnet on the other and they went across the entire earth and looped, would they pull each other forever?

had a dream about something similar, but apparently it's impossible, and i'm too much of a retard to understand exactly why.

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If you sperate the magnet from the car, the car would move towards the magnet.
Of course, you could "move" the magnet to make the car follow it. But that process requires energy expenditure. So what's moving that magnet? Another one?
It's magnets all the way down!
There's no such thing as a perpetual motion machine.
I think Homer said it best,

The train and all the tracks are made out of gold. Problem solved.

Friction, inertia, gravity, etc. Other forces act on it.
Objects in motion stay in motion. Unless, acted upon by another force. And unfortunately we're always fighting those other forces.

you're assuming there's only a force in a single direction. when two magnetised objects attract, there is a force in one direction and a force in the opposite direction. there is no reason for them all to move forwards. some would move back and collide, eventually everything would stop moving

magnets are fucking gay then, no one better ever talk to me about magnets again

Gold is too soft and will cause friction. We need to make everything out of the hardest metal of all: diamond.

Sometimes stupid ideas work for those reaping the benefits. Like immigration.

Magnets are Amazon.
Put a copper wire around it, and spine the magnet.
Boom. You have power.
Boil some water, attach a turbine, and create a generator. Now you're the electric company.
>We're gonna turn it on. We're gonna the give you the power.

Amazing on Amazon

Perfect. The diamond is hard enough to support the magnets. I will contact my local government officials and convince them that diamond magnet trains are the way of the future.

if you really want to understand, just use khan academy to improve your math skills up to basic calculus then buy a university year one physics book

Have you covered turning it off and then and back on again

Like a Tesla ac motour but one end first then the othe