Does alcohol really help with staying sane? Just turned 21, I've heard alcohol in moderation can be beneficial...

Does alcohol really help with staying sane? Just turned 21, I've heard alcohol in moderation can be beneficial. the education system also told me that alcohol is the shittiest thing you can ever do to your body, so I dunno what to believe anymore

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all substances are shit for your body and will take a toll.
but alcohol does smooth the edges of life

No, only drink raw cows or goat milk, kefir, local organic in season juice of fruits, fresh animal blood and occasionally spring water with some bit of salt.

It's awesome

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Believe in maryjane op. She's got you

just look at examples of people drinking. if it looks appealing to be impaired and not able to think. go for it


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I'm only half white, milk fucks with my stomach too much

Alcohol is poison and makes everything worse

long term cannabis use will fry your mind and dull your force of will, I’ve watched it happen to a high school friend for 10 years now

alcohol has its own pitfalls which can be more immediately deadly than wasting your life smoking

I have gone through periods of smoking weed erryday for 8-12 months and I’ve had rough patches where I’d finish a half bottle of rye whiskey for dinner

all things in life have their time and place with their own benefits and drawbacks. my recommendation to a 21 year old would be to buy different 6 packs of beer to sample, play drinking games with friends and watch YouTube together, get blackout drunk and spend the night on the bathroom floor once or twice, go ahead and smoke weed for a solid 3-5 month stretch if you have nothing you’re actively pursuing

it’s okay to have fun and enjoy what life can offer. you just have to remember it isn’t forever and you will have to put it down sometime or be consumed by it. make sure the experiences you have are memorable.

as for health benefits from habitual alcohol consumption, I have no idea. I might have 2 cans of beer with a heavy meal or 3-4 over a 4-6 hour period on the pc. I think this is more of a you thing and can depend on your ethnic background and family history

its up to you, sometimes it can be best social decision you can make on the spot but dont fall for the cultural bullshit that glorifies it. its turned a lot of people into alcoholics

Perhaps some cat juice?

Nah I've taken the 12 beers a night route for a few years and let me tell you. 1.5 grams of kratom is considered a low dose and it has done wonders for me. Knocked off masturbation, drinking, and gives you energy to perform what you wanted to learn.
Do not go more than 2 grams a day...or every other day.
There's more that I have done in a month that 3 months waiting to learn after a hangover.

Staying sane helps with alcohol but not the other way around. It takes maturity to enjoy alcohol, but it turns you into a violent, reckless, impaired, tired son of a bitch if you don't know what you get into.
It tastes good but it's all there is to it. It's good to help digestion also. Beer is nutritious but not really. Wine makes food taste better but it stops at that.
It does make you dumb however.

oh. sorry to hear that. I’d recommend picking one side or the other and trying to breed your line back into something cleaner. one mixed ancestor won’t ruin your line, but keep doing it and it can quickly

Some people break down alcohol better than others. Some people are mentally affected by alcohol in different ways.

If it feels good, do it. If it doesn't, then don't.

>There's more that I have done in a month that 3 months waiting to learn after a hangover. 8 months

Alcohol & puters have fried your mind

how's your asshole after those bowel movements?


Alcohol is a worthless drug. It's poison.

die frogposter

There is a sanity in integrating the insane subconscious.
Get voidpilled.

i drank a lot in my 20s, and transitioned to weed after a few of my friends became alcholics. weed doesn't make you occasionally vomit like alcohol, and the addiction doesn't wreck your body on weed. actually one of my alcoholic friends routinely vomits blood once a week he says. i'd avoid alcohol. weed, shrooms, and acid are the only substances worth doing.

Alcohol is perfectly healthy. I drink it every day and I'm fine. My doctor said he has never seen a healthier man in his life. Embrace the bottle, it makes everything better


>weed, shrooms, and acid are the only substances worth doing
also had a friend who vomited blood, that shits disturbing when you see them still drink knowing its going to happen

No you. I post no frog

I can smell the green on you

Must be all the money ... and the WEED! Actually I can smell it too. Time to clean the bong

No. I became an alcoholic in the last 10 years, maybe further back... I don't really remember, it all kind of blurred together and was gradual. I use it to cope with being bored with everything else going on in my life. When I quit for a week or two I feel a lot better physically, but I slide back into wanting to be numb sooner or later.

I drink 30std drinks of fortified wine per day on 300mg luvox, 4mg brexpiprazole and weed and nicotine vapes

Better now. Those nights of anal leakage are gone.
And for the criticism of Kratom: regular shits every day.