A butt hurt Indian girl is sabotaging projects at my company

This indian girl that everyone thinks is some sweet nice girl is sabotaging projects intentionally and then blaming it on other people. I caught her this time, what should I do? I don't think going to higher ups is enough, I want this bitch put in jail and feel handcuffs cranked around her wrists. How should I do this? The projects are military subcontracted, she is of suspect nationality, should I go that route, or just more local law enforcement?

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This is not your company's confession corner, faggot.

Thanks for the bump!


make her sleep with you then record it and tell her you will show her family if she doesn't become your sex slave. then slowly change her perceptions to where she cant live without you.

She's too ugly for that bro.

Do it either way


>sabotaging projects intentionally and then blaming it on other people.
how? surely the access logs would be obvious

Pull a Wile-E-coyote and change the street signs on her designated street

>what should I do?
You should rape her.
That'll convince your superiors that she truly is a whore.
And you might score a new gf if she's a pervert.

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I go one step further.
Implant cybernetics and drug her with injections to the inside of her mouth and throat to make it an erogenous zone.
Then condition her repeatedly with electronic brain washing to make her your pig slave.

Then claim her as cute maido waifu.

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>The projects are military subcontracted, she is of suspect nationality,


if you report it to HR or your manager it might go nowhere because of obvious wokeness, but the FBI won't fuck around if you have a legitimate claim

How do you know he bumped?

call her a dumb sand nigger and get her fired

Rape her

>The projects are military subcontracted
report to the fbi

if it's a military subcontract, then telling it to the military would make more sense I'd guess. Telling it to the FBI and roll the dice on an other entitiy's wokeness is just fucking dumb.
all 5 branches to be sure.
Even if it's not an important codebase(which since it's given out to civ. contractors I'd guess so), getting other ppl into trouble is a dick move.

She's not that competent, and the access logs did show it. They showed her trying to delete files in ways that would obfuscate the original command,fortunately for us, she has no idea what she's doing, which is part of the source of her frustration and why she's doing it, she's not good at her job and she's extremely frustrated that white men are.

FBI is a joke bud, they don't do anything. The only people they catch are the incompetent ones they setup, rife with pedos and corrupt agents, foreign agents, wouldn't trust an FBI agent to put the right gas in my car.

Raise it up internally first, then move it to law enforcement, document the fuck out of everything, get her admitting or making lies that are proven to be false. Then just start droppinc the data proving it to those that care, DHS, Mil, FBI, your boss's boss

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So you think she is intentionally breaking your product because she is jealous of her coworkers? This sounded plausible at first but I'm starting to lean MEDS.