You have switched to Dvorak, right user?

You have switched to Dvorak, right user?

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i use a 5 dollar keyboard i bought from goodwill in 2011

based and redpilled

Azerty or nothing.

Based non-consumer.

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that keyboard is SHIT. If you want a real keyboard you'll use a MALTRON. It's the only keyboard that's Qde/Ex/Ed/Vi/Vim/Emacs/Nano/Nanovim/EQimano certified productivity 100% efficiency gold-standard effective competence. So if you're using one of those editors without a MALTRON you're not doing it right and you should probably just kill yourself

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That’s some grade-A boomer shit.

I am using a IBM model M I found Dumpster diving

No fucking way.
I mean, I would if it got switched everywhere, so I could focus on that layout alone, but I'm not going to memorize two layouts just so I may get a few more keys per second off when at home.
Come to think of it, it's not my typing speed that's holding down my words per minute; it's me having to rethink what I write all the time. The typing is 20% of my time at best. There's no point in improving that part a few percent.

You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm sacrificing 20+ years of QWERTY muscle memory.

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I can't even imagine how one should write on that. You need all 10 fingers on your right hand, right? And the left buttons you push with the stump you've got left on your left hand.
I'm just assuming here.

Attached: 10% keyboard.jpg (1280x720, 91.26K)

I learned dvorak at some point and then switched back to qwerty. It was just too much of a hassle. I can still do ~90 wpm on dvorak and after relearning qwerty I can now do ~120 wpm

Does that come with a version with Ä and Ö?

How can you even code on that shit? How do you type brackets?
ANSI is unironically the best layout for coding and I say that as a Dane. It's made by coders for coders, not some psychopathic eurocrat commission of retards catering to boomer email writers.

It sounds good on paper but I can do 120-130wpm on qwerty and I really have no need to go faster.

Altgr+5 (opening bracket) and AltGr + ) (closing bracket).

>ANSI is unironically the best layout for coding
It is.
I'm Spanish and I don't know how pretty much everyone I know can stand coding on an ISO layout.
Every single one that tried ANSI out of my suggestion never went back.

You guys code?
I'm an electrician.

yes, but dvorak keyboards are a meme. just use the layout on a normal keyboard or an ergo keyboard. you're not supposed to look at the keys anyways

You shouldn’t need to use altgr to get something as important as brackets. Yank layout ftw when it comes to programming, and I say that as a Russia enthusiast.

How long until I can jack a cable into my head and just think of the code I want to write?

after using this for 2 years I have reached 70 wpm
for programming you don't need more

Attached: Workman_keyboard_layout.png (869x290, 43.04K)

I'm too used to azerty, I have no problem when I do programming. I can understand Russian keyboards have cyrilic alphabet, it's probably a pain to do any form of programming with it.

Same with Japanese ones, you just have small cyrilic characters. Quite irrelevant to a touch type practitioner.
Not that user btw.