Anyone else shit a lot? I've been up for an hour and already about to go in for my 3rd shit

Anyone else shit a lot? I've been up for an hour and already about to go in for my 3rd shit

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You should probably see a doctor OP

crohns disease

Can you get this from eating spicy food all your life? Because I was always warned to stop with the hot sauce it will fuck me up now I'm 25 and my stomach is actually fucked up just in the last few months and I can barely eat spice without shitting or having a fucked stomach for the day

Your diet is probably shit. To much carbs and fat. Eat a vegetable.

if you drink a lot, that’s pretty much normal.

It is, mostly chicken, chips and pop

I do. I suspect I have IBS or something like it. Or maybe my diet is just not good for me. I notice it particularly when I am up and moving. But I think I have to go about 6 or 7 times a day. And it's a really uncomfortable feeling when I need to go. I can hear my stomachpassing stuff around. Go get checked out. I know I need to.

drink more water. your bowels will thank you.

put your dick away waler

Same, I shit like 2-3 times a day every day.

No pain or discomfort most of the time.

What the fuck

Fucking lost it at this thread holy shit

I only shit once every 3-4 days, sometimes even 5+ days

Is there blood when you wipe? If so, see your doctor because it could be serious.

Lots of homosexuals have intestinal parasites.

I shit a fuck ton but I am an alcoholic and always eating garbage.

You're in a log thread, dipshits

I miss Morn! I miss all of DS9, especially the later seasons.

Yeah same here, thing is the 3 combined is like a full shit, so it's not like I'm doing 3 full shits...weird shit m8

...sometimes a drop or two of cum comes out when pooping too lol


You have the intestinal tract of a rabbit

Gee I wonder why this has negative impact on your bowels

yep this. ate and fucked dude ass and got a parasite. then you have to shit a lot. go to the doctor OP.

i shit every day. i binge ate last night and i shit so much it was a mound a couple inches out of the water. gotta love plant based diets.