How would you increase Linux desktop usage share to at least 5-10%?

How would you increase Linux desktop usage share to at least 5-10%?

Attached: Ubuntu-20.04-con-Linux-5.4.png (1200x621, 224.5K)

I don't care about the market share but installing it by default on low-end computers sold in market would help, those dualcore 4GB RAM machine don't need Windows at all

step 1
>not be unusable shit

Attached: 1646825531283.png (1000x700, 795.76K)

Attached: 1662811835652.png (1196x624, 144.04K)

Attached: medications_reminder.jpg (1920x1080, 128.42K)

If you made hardware open source, tje desktop share of linux would go up 70% worldwide

By actually listening to feedback instead of self masturbation.
But again that would also make windows unstoppable.

>But again that would also make windows unstoppable
What a delusional glownigger. Hi agent

1. Kill Gnome
2. Offer graphical installers and an uninstall screen like Windows
3. Nigs

Make everything closed source and developed by a non-profit organisation
kill wayland, Flatpak, snap, appimage, GNOME, GTK and GNU libc and coreutils
bring Aero back
Make installations and software distribution work like Windows
kill off 99% of distros
hire QA and official support team

linux becomes perfect like this

Kill systemd for something better
Kill wayland
Return to 2.x kernel development of having an actual stable kernel version while developing on an unstable branch with actual unstable releases that are moving to a final stable release that is actually stable and not just picking some random release to be "stable" when it's really not
Plasma the de facto standard desktop and Qt the standard toolkit and any fucking freefuck who cries about BUT QT ISNT REALLY FREE BLOO HOO HOO is told to shut the fuck up until they make something better, and lol, no, GTK is in no way better.
Kill Wine and support native games only
Actual stable APIs that won't break binary compatibility every 2 years
Flatpak the main method of package installation beyond system level stuff
Stop supporting fucking failvidia unless they release an actual free, full driver even if they have to use a small binary blob like amd
Tons more QA on every single aspect of the system, there are tons of little shit problems that make the entire system near unusable like so many fucking wireless network drivers just failing randomly for no goddamn reason
So basically, an impossible task, and it's best to just let Linux die as a desktop OS.

did linux shills feed you this image?

and nobody would pay for it

No terminal needed

Attached: Skärmbild från 2022-09-10 15-13-03.png (1252x899, 76.45K)

Release the new grand theft auto on it natively
>install fails
>here's exactly why in plain language
>>install fails
>>oopsie poopsie the computer did a goofy woofy

>How would you increase Linux desktop usage share to at least 5-10%?
by fixing the bugs people complain about, you fucking retarded tranny... that should be obvious to you, not a fucking mistery.

Exterminate all freetards. Seriously.
People aren't stupid. They remember the 30 years of lies such as "sure our toy OS does that", "yes it's better than Windows", and blaming the users when you're rumbled.
With the removal of the dumb autistic animals that have left such a horrible stench on the entirety of FOSSdom - plus a little bit of expectation management, another thing the "community" has failed to do for three decades - real people will take a second look.

>1. Make a filepicker with actual thumbnails for GTK.
>3. Drop support for Wayland.
>2. Get rid off AppImage, Flatpack, and Snap entirely.

Let the market share be less than 10%, only technicians and dedicated computer users can use this, don't want the forum to be filled with retard normies who always ask in the forum when other people have asked the same thing before and got an answer

TL;DR quantity is inversely proportional to quality

Unfortunately the quick and easy answer is you'd have to get more video games to work on it. Guaranteed a good chunk of privacy preachers still use windows to play their games.
Captcha: madarr

Make flatpaks the only way to install apps.

The only real way LInux will ever become mainstream is if computers start being shipped with it. Most people who use Windows don't actually install it, they just use it because it's what's already installed. Hell, the most normal of normalfags can't even install Windows, they usually take it to a computer shop to get the new version of Windows installed.

>filtered by distro design for niggers
wow, just wow.

What is a install?

Attached: flatpak.png (400x300, 42.21K)

invent a drug that makes people less retarded, lazy fuckin consoomers