You have 5 minutes to explain you aren't using Qubes OS

You have 5 minutes to explain you aren't using Qubes OS

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Because I care about the hardware level, mr glownigger OP

I'm not trans-sexual.

Any Forums, that's why

i don't know what that is, does it have fanatec driver support

Overkill for my needs. Also, I am on Windows.

I don't believe you

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I use openSUSE, if it matters, and not Windows

You shouldn't be doing gayming on Linux anyways. Imagine installing Steam/Proton and running filthy Windows executables on your pure tux machine

What does this have to do with Apple and their superior technology? Cubes won't get me laid at the bar, much unlike my new iphone that not only pairs well with Coka-cola, but makes girls swoon! They love it!

what's this?

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I simply do not need this level of security and isolation on my personal machines.

Buy RISC-V or Power9 then and stop spamming faggot

Everyone needs this level of security and isolation.

Reminder that if you're running a regular linux distro, literally any application without sudo access can keylog you.

A single pip/npm install, a package from an untrusted repo, any downloaded binary can fuck up your system for good and steal your credentials, passwords, cookies, crypto.

None of this is normal.

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Kali support is community level only, Windows support is decently janky still..... once these are solid I'm all in. In theory it's a great tool for what I do for work, just needs ironing

Because I already store confidential information under separate user accounts, sandbox all un-trusted applications, and use containers and virtual machines for illegal shit and public services.

Qubes OS is controlled opposition and impossible to configure securely. It is broken by default and 99% don’t notice because they don’t have the expertise.


>Reminder that if you're running a regular linux distro, literally any application without sudo access can keylog you.
No it can't, not even on X11. Stop falling for memes.

>A single pip/npm install, a package from an untrusted repo, any downloaded binary can fuck up your system for good and steal your credentials, passwords, cookies, crypto.
A separate user is more than enough to mitigate all of this. You're overthinking security.

it sends your data to glownigger HQ shouting HEY LOOK AT ME IM DOING ILLEGAL SHIT

this is why im sticking with wondows

I'm not a child and have a life.