What is the general consensus on the Vaxx nowadays?

It’s seems to me that most of the hysteria has blown over, and a lot of jobs don’t even ask if you are vaxxed (in california, restaurant jobs)

Could this be because of their political stance on the Vaxx? Or has everyone literally stopped caring? I’m not vaxxed by the way, but I do wonder if people will think I’m stupid if I don’t get the vaxx even tho I’m like two years late. Or worse, I really just am that stupid and fell for fake information

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It was a dipshit rush job when the first two got pushed, but it still managed to do more good than bad.
Getting the vaccine now basically takes it from the worst flu you've ever had to the worst cold you've had this year, so it's still worth it if you don't have to go way out of your way to get one of the current shots.

But yeah, virus mutated, and the strain that turned your lungs into red goo is basically gone in America. Probably because it killed too quick to spread well. You can still get brain damage from the high fever, but that's true of any fever.

pretty sure OP is brain damaged already

It can always get worse.


No one cares to talk about the vax. Doesn't matter if you fell for fake info or not, people are tired of hearing and talking about covid. Don't mention it and you'll be fine

you're not "vaxxed", no doubt because of some retarded political meme that convinced you

My Body My Choice

lol. my body my choice! i can masturbate to loli furry torture porn all day and you can't stop me! doesn't make me any less retarded

No but it makes you an asocial weirdo.

Garbage chat from bottom tier science free belief zone. Collect those fact vapors before spewing your paragraphs of stupidity.

Honestly, I am advocating violence against you, and misinformation spreaders.

>basically takes it from the worst flu you've ever had to the worst cold you've had this
Retards really believe this.


Bro the only restaurant job that required the Vaxx was a vegan soy burger joint

Just imagining someone getting this mad from reading a few sentences is bringing joy to my life.

Are Americans really still talking about covid? Everyone got it here so nobody cares anymore.

The new one isn't even going to be tested on humans and Pfizer isn't going to share the data with scientists

Eat a bowl of dicks and choke eurocuck

In other news, entire world still obsessed with USA

Speaking of misinformation...

Why don't you share that citation with us or are you just a nigger tranny faggot

Bootlicking Borg faggot

Variants are all about the same. They SEEM to be different because so many people are vaxxed or have some immunity from infections. Between both of those, it's near 100%, so getting a vaccination is not a big deal now. Fewer people are dying, but still more than half of those are unvaxxed.