/fglt/ – Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ – Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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$ %command% -h/--help/-?
$ help %builtin/keyword%

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$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Any Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: IRC: #sqt on irc.libera.chat

Previous thread:

Attached: doguin.jpg (720x720, 29.31K)

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first for

do NOT try to avoid my question, friends.

>What are some cool programs?

no suckless.org/rocks

Glownigger thread

Did we lie to you? No, who told you it was a meme?
It's a very real nightmare from which there is seemingly no waking, and with each new iteration of GTK the nightmare grows more disturbing.

But KDE should have a better filepicker (at least that's what I've heard, I haven't used it, maybe you have to enable it somehow). But at any rate, even without KDE you can get thumbnails using the gtk-portal thing. Look it up.

Already answered, friend

I just did thanks to the user on the previous thread. if you read this, thank you user.
also, "we" are the people who act smug when people post the filepicker meme and like if it was and old, outdated meme joke that isn't even true anymore, yes, these people did lie, obviously.
who the FUCK wants the gnome file picker by default and who the fuck isn't firefox forcing the other one by default? (this is rhetoric)

Also another solution to consider, is just drag and drop the file from your normal file manager to the Any Forums image box. Copy-paste also works with some file managers, you just open the upload box and hit ctrl+v. That's what I do.

>Also by default it contains baked in Google nameservers as fallback
If you were concerned about that sort of stuff you wouldn't use plain dns requests anyway when there's dnscrypt.
>the schizos and such could simply take the sources and compile a version of systemd of their liking
You don't need to recompile anything to change such settings, it's not your luddite suckmore shitware that has no notion of what a configuration file is.

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My theory is still that the GTK devs are fucking with us. Like a psy-op to gather data on what they can get away with and how to manipulate people within open source communities.

you are just realizing this now?

>musl is the first thing listed
Yeah, I think the rest of this list can be safely disregarded.

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I cleaned part of my room and unearthed a latitude d620, and since xp isn't quite usable these days, I figured installing some "light" distros could be interesting, considering i've played with linux like twice in my life

slow compared to the others, was the first thing i tried though. making a usb that doesn't fuck up the install when like every program you can download doesn't work on xp or doesn't like have the right grub version or some shit was fun

seems actually good, am using at the moment. like modern websites on a laptop this old is never going to be FUN, thank god for ublock and shit, but it's been a lot better than i thought would be possible

completely froze twice, but it's very likely i suck at installing enough correct shit to make it not freeze. I feel like net browsing has been faster on lubuntu than arch, which seems weird but whatever

when browsing, was mainly just going on like youtube and twitter and /here/, and reading all the pages of the arch install wiki before deciding not to do all that and using archinstall

thank you for coming to my la-ted-tude talk

the youtube and twitter websites are heavy as fuck, consider an invidious and nitter instance instead

Setting up a server to archive youtube channels with yt-dlp through a cron job
Should I use separate video ID text files for each channel in the shell file or is using the same one for all of channels just fine from the yt-dlp config?

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yeah they're heavy, but it's somewhat indicative of a lot of websites, no?

bring back paying for data lol

one thing I was very pleasantly surprised about this little journey was the DS emulator ran heartgold fine on lite, I was expecting it to be somewhat slowmo

I dont know how to search for this but basically
I am learning to use linux lite and the raspberry os
But the pack managers are really anoying to use, and they allways left residues or don{t get instaled correctly
So my question is, is there a way to install an app manager like the one in linux mint or similar? something that just list your installed programs and do a good install and uninstall
i like this low end os, they are fun to use, but i need an app manager to save time in hunting down packages parts that some times are not related even if they are part of the same app

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It's as simple as "sudo apt install program." Why's that so hard?
If you want to clean "residue" you can just run purge instead of remove.
Also you could always just use Flatpak if you want something more foolproof.

not user, but sometimes i've done the "sudo apt install -f" thing to fix things
and the autoremove thing
still pretty easy though

What are some good linux tools for sysadmin work? I use WSL for accessing linux servers and use OpenSSL to convert certs, anything else thats nice to use?

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How do 12th gen Intel processors perform on Linux? What has (You)r experience been like with one?
What kernel version has thread director support for those fancy newly-named cores?

How to put docker container files in an encrypted file/directory to protect contents from outsiders?