I asked a girl for her instagram but she gave me her number instead. She texts me normally

I asked a girl for her instagram but she gave me her number instead. She texts me normally.

What the hell does this imply

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She wants the D

Send her a picture of the D homie.

But if she does then she would comply to my request and give her insta instead, no? Why would she decline that? Or does she have a boyfriend but she doesnt want me to know?


Anons help me understand how these bitches work

impligni implogno

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Fuck off

I honestly have no idea what the difference is nowadays, and I don't give a shit. Neither should you.

Conventional wisdom says that a woman will be more likely to give you her instagram if she is unsure about you, or her number if she is actually into you.
This makes absolutely zero sense, as a weird stranger with a woman's phone number can create a lot less impact than one who can stalk and comment on her social media.
Moreover, both avenues require literally one step to block someone and cut them off completely.
Women don't make sense. Their musings have been illogical since the beginning of time, and there's no point in trying to 'figure them out'.
Any woman who is into you will make it obvious to you. Those who behave otherwise are just looking for validation and are not worth dealing with.

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Imagine still being stuck on stage
> trying to understand women

Give less fucks. Don’t be so desperate for her attention. Play it as if you were the prize and make your attention to her rare. Stay away from her when she’s down or crying. She’ll associate you as the go to guy for emotional support while she gets her holes filled from Jamal.

100% THIS.
and also this which was saying the same thing:

There could be a dozen reasons she doesn't share her insta, including maybe she doesn't have one.
So now stop being an idiot. She gave you her number? She likes you and is waiting for you to make the next move.

Thanks guys im still 19 trying to work on my dick game this is all super helpful. I'll fuck her in the ass one day

Do yourself a geniune favor, get off this board. Keeping talking to her, making her laugh, eventually she'll flirt if she's interested, then that's your chance.

She might not have an Instagram...

Nah she does I found out by cyberstalking her.

or she might not like the images she posted on there. or might not like them to the extent of sharing them with potential lovers. or might not like them to the extent that she's self-conscious about them.
also :

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I don't know why everyone acts like nogs nowadays but I'll answer your question.

First off she could have a bf yes. And if he doesn't like her being a common whore might ask her why some dude showed up.

Could also be she's fucking a lot of guys and doesn't want to make it obvious.

Or that she only wants to fuck you but not be seen associating with you?

Maybe she's just a rare practical girl who limits her associations at first not trying to open her whole world to strangers.

Being more details and well have more answers. Most of the guys responding to you are as bad as the girls though. Giving up and and being as bad as the rest of them.

Dude you are in. Set up:

Hey, I'm going to XXXXXX next weekend... you want to come with?

who was acting like an nog?

>Being more details and well have more answers. Most of the guys responding to you are as bad as the girls though. Giving up and and being as bad as the rest of them.
are you drunk or just stupid?

Thanks user for an analytical post.

She was just waiting next to me at the college campus for our registration stuff. I started talking to her after that. Its a pretty normal context.

I stalked her insta but she has a private profile and only has like 600 followers so I doubt she is a whore.
