What do (you) use to create backups?

What do (you) use to create backups?
For me its pic rel.

Attached: kbackup.png (1920x1080, 149.35K)

SFTP. Not "secure ftp" this is SSH.
Then you just have a job program like cron run the copy command for you and that's it.
Does your kbackup have prıtection against files being written while transferring?

>protection against files being written while transferring?
i don't think so

manually copying the laughably tiny amount of things i really need to back up to external drives, why the living fuck does anyone need to back up their entire fucking drive

Encrypted automatic snapshot uploads to cloud

rsync to a offline drive stored in a safe every so often

Backup and Restore (Windows 7)

Attached: 1621196097312.jpg (236x272, 6.69K)

What backups?

Borg backup / vorta

I just copy and paste the Documents folder on my USB stick, that's it.

Mega.nz baby

Borg backup.


There should be one tool that does everything

Where do you anons store your backup data? In another internal drive/External drive/Cloud?

The general backup lands on an external drive. The really important stuff like my keepass database lands everywhere from time to time like usb stick in my car or at work, my vps, the cloud.

what is borg?
one copy of the data on laptop, another(encryted) copy on phone and 3rd copy(encryted) uploaded to google drive

for servers (always on) an old optiplex that wakes up at 3am, runs a custom rsync command and then shuts off.
for my pc, i WoL the optiplex and run another custom rsync command.


Attached: 1436567808835.jpg (480x360, 8.48K)

Borg & borgbase for remote backups, restic for local backups to an external HDD

i just dump the whole disk image to a bigger drive, then verify it using md5
i don't trust those incremental backup utilities

A backup tool that can keep as many versions of your files as you want with almost no extra disk space usage