/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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algorithm for making sure algorithm user is ok

Writing an HTTP client in OCaml right now

hmm y'all ever work with OpenGL shaders?

allegedly you can do GPU compute tasks with them, which I find pretty interesting.

I wonder where they got the idea for that logo?

Attached: 3.jpg (960x1252, 190.22K)

archiving g
wrote tests for the program today. this is my first time writing tests and i hate it


>tfw all this neat threading shit in C++20

love it

Attached: windowschantp.png (398x602, 312.92K)

tests are usually fun to write, what are you doing wrong?

just test some good input/conditions, some bad input/conditions, and some edge cases.

>tests are usually fun to write, what are you doing wrong?

why isn't python lexically scoped
i thought this language was intended to be straightforward and consistent

>no channels and rendezvous
What a joke. There are only 3 sepplestards left in the world, and all they do is bang rocks together and write cmakelists.

mmhmmmm.... Well I mostly fix bugs at work, which I am fucking terrible at.
But in other news, this stop_callback thing is pretty neat too.
void do_work(std::stop_token stopper)
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
while((!stopper.stop_requested()) && stopper.stop_possible())

Aren't those just cancellation tokens?

lol sepples has no barrier? can't they use pthread or is that haram in their shitlang?

it has several types of barriers wtf are you on about?

if you don't know enough about the language to shit talk it then stfu

I am not the one claiming that, seppletranny. See the post I am replying to.

you sound like a seething Cnile btw, doesn't even totally know what he's missing out on because he is so buttmad about C's crappy standard library and lack of language updates

be heartened though user, I heard they are going to do like a C23 or C26 or something and finally give you constexpr for compile time computations, and I bet they will even give you const someday!

by that time sepples will have source utf-8 support because they added more keywords than the english dictionary and need to use another alphabet.


t. non channel-haver

That would be the only reason for the white C++ chad to be multi-lingual.

>C++ user
terry wants a word

I don't have an ouija board so no thanks.

anyone used code generators for anything "real" ?

apparently there are some for generating vulkan boilerplate

Attached: fttcg.png (514x714, 472.09K)

codegen in C# is THE gimmick for having compile-time code execution.

i've used yacc and m4 a lot, do those count?