How is being a psychopath a bad thing? You are never sad...

How is being a psychopath a bad thing? You are never sad, you don't feel anything when your parents or something similar dies. Always an optimist etc, others just say it's bad cause they are jealous

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You almost don't feel anything, and you have no human connection because all people are objects to you.

I’m a twin, I’m mild autistic but really improvised with therapy and practice. Brother does it feel love, empathy, etc. he is devoid of love. Love is very powerful. I feel bad for him

Doesn’t*. He is a psychopath unfortunately

You dont feel happiness or joy either

Psychopaths are apex predators, sociopaths on the other hand get the worse of both worlds.
You want to be Patrick Bateman and end up being Denis Nielsen.

humans are social creatures who gain most of their meaning and joy through interacting with others

Psychopaths have a malfunctioning Amygdala and can't process the human experience properly

Emotional pain gives people strength and perspective, Psychopaths are typically shallow and materialistic people because of this

I genuinely pity them

Some do feel happiness, and even if you don't you are way more sad than you are happy in your life. Obviously this differs from person to person but if you're a degen 4channer like me you obviously barely get happiness. So why not just have no emotions and never be sad ever again? Sounds like luxury to me

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you don't know what you're talking about. Read Snakes in Suits or The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson

Psychopaths don't feel happiness or joy. The most they can experience is excitement and a rush. Sociopaths can feel a small but limited range of shallow emotions but can't properly connect with people without playing a role to manipulate someone.

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a psychopath feeling sadness? Also that would be because they are bored. They don't care if they are losers they still see themselves as a legend

The numbing effect is more of an emotional survival tactic than a luxury. You only get numb because you are emotionally in an exceptionally deep level of hell as a psychopath. The inner rage is so overwhelming that people like this have no choice but to not feel it in order to function. If anything, I think their desire to kill comes from an envy of people who are at least semi happy in life.

Let's suppose you were a psychopath, and needed to be in control of someone, not hurt them but kind of "own" them, how would you go about finding people willing to do that?

Psychopaths can never feel an extended period of satisfaction. That's why they devote all of their mental focus to pretending to have emotion to manipulate people around them to make a world they perceive they can be satisfied in. But they never can, and because of that, they will become irrational and quickly dip into the inhumanities of murder, etc. It can look cool from the outside looking in, but it's not sustainable at all. That's why you never see psychopaths having/raising a stable family to pass on their mentality to their children. It just pops up sometimes as a fluke. Or maybe it's a response to their envoronment? Either way, it's not evolutionarily fit.

A discord fag

depression isn't sadness, not at all. Sadness is therapeutic and apart of a healthy mind, Depression is not, it's numbness and a lack of any real psychological energy or emotion. Psychopaths tend to spiral in depression quite easily, especially when they fixate on having control and status. Having a colleague get a promotion over them or losing a video game against someone they know tends to make them spiral in either a depression or rage.

I'm not gonna help you do that you fucking freak

let's suppose you weren't an absolute faggot

You're retards that don't know what you're talking about. It's a vast spectrum.

>never sad
you sound like a huge faggot neck urself

They absolute care about their image and being losers, they obsess over it. Fixate on it. They're fanatical about hierarchy's and control

You're really out of your depth on this whole topic

kek retard user faggots who are self diagnosed thinking they know better classic fucking bot replies by these cucks you need to be 18 to post

sage and kys

See this is why psychopaths kill, you go and ask for advice and people get bitchy about it, there's literally nothing wrong with what i asked, sometimes you just want to have something that is yours, some semblance of stability and meaning, but fuck me right?

Psychopaths have feelings, you fucking dumb nigger. Maybe an autist like yourself doesn’t have any feelings.

I've read multiple books on the subject and understand it's a spectrum, But we're talking about the moderate to severe cases.

You can go on most autism awareness sites and claim that all their characteristics are wrong but saying you have a mild case of Asperger's. Doesn't make these characteristics any less true for the vast majority of them

when did I say that? I just said they are never sad retard

I haven't been diagnosed, I'm just not a dumb faggot. I actually research topics that interest me and listen to the leading professionals

you're such a dumb fucking bitch

they're extremally shallow and limited to a select few. Sociopaths have a lot more range

you literally ask for how to find and identify good victims for control and manipulation

we understand that you see nothing wrong with that. Freak

That's why being a dark empath trumps being a psychopath. Psychopaths can't hide forever, they can't just "turn it off" and blend in.
Dark empaths recognize people's emotions, but they also realize quicker than most how to take advantage of others without being too obvious about it. By feeling stuff you fit in.

have a nice laptop or a dog, You don't get to own people and expect that to be normalised and acceptable. People are not meant to be your play thing, they're meant to be independent

Probably become an entreprenuer and have some control over the people who work for me. I'd have much more control over managment, because they are probably supporting their families with their higher income and need that higher level of income because they are living a better lifestyle and can't just leave their lifestyle. It would also be much harder for them to find a different job with the same level of pay, so they would have no choice but to comply with a lot of the demands I give them. The lower level employees have more freedom to come and go, and maybe half of them are young enough to still live with their immediate families anyhow, but the managers I could really push to earn me more money and to conform the image that I want to display. Something like that, nothing to diabolical for me.

you don't understand how networking in the corporate/real world works if you truly think you have that much control over management.

You always feel sad, there’s an increase of depression and other mental issues. Read a book and do more research because you sound like a dumb nigger, nigger.

he is, isn't he

Relationships are mutual ownership, I'm more interested in feeling good about myself, but that doesn't mean is wrong, control is not inherently evil, you can help other people and give something in return, i just want someone to be obsessed with me and love me, is it so wrong wanting to be appreciated?

By the nature of the word psychopath it is a bad thing. "Psycho" meaning "mind" and "path" meaning sickness. If your a psychopath, you have a sick mind.


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I meet that kind of people at work, most of them in sales. They may as well have wear a banner that says "treat me like a retard, I am not to be trusted". Sure, a predator salesman will rule over a common customer, but us in Risk Management love reminding these clowns that a sales team is company's property and is quite disposable if their shenanigans become a liability and endanger our reputation.

>Relationships are mutual ownership
no, it's a partnership, a bond you have.

>is it so wrong wanting to be appreciated?
not inherently, but it's got to be a natural act, a choice made out of free will. Not something you should blackmail or manipulate out of someone.

Also if you're psychopathic, sociopathic or narcissistic you don't want love, you want to be worshipped

Don't give this faggot attention, he's not even OP he's just some cuck fucking nigger who has never talked to anyone in his entire life and thinks he rules the world

they're team members, not property. If you overextend your reach and try to be controlling the team leaders and most valuable members are going to look for better work with more freedom

its the photoshopped spider tattoo that gets me

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