Two weeks liberals. Not even the nuclear secrets he sold to Russia can stop the Trump Train!

Two weeks liberals. Not even the nuclear secrets he sold to Russia can stop the Trump Train!

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what flavor lube will yall be using to circlejerk in this thread?


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I ask this in so many threads and have yet to have a liberal give me an answer....let's try again.

When Trump walks away from all of this document bullshit like nothing ever happened and the liberals find another scandal to throw at him...will you jump on that bandwagon too or will you have learned your lesson? If he walks, that means they lied to you, correct? So will you believe them next time?

Trump walks...what do you do with your life?

>inb4 he doesn't have to go to jail for him to be a criminal REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!@!!!

If you're not on the trump train your dick is small asf. Ask any bbc nigga who they're voting for and they'll say trump.

>When Trump walks away from all of this document bullshit
keep the faith brother!

oh no sir not another Trump Train sir my poor Indian bottom has not been able to properly release stools since the last one sir!

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Honestly it's more fun to watch all his friends and supporters go down for committing crimes on his behalf. Next up is Steve Bannon and some more January 6th rioters.

Trump himself is just a sad old man struggling with dementia.

>it's boring when people make fun of my beloved Donald

All this could have been avoided with 3 little words. Why didnt he just say it? Black Lives Matter.

He didn't sell US nuclear secrets to Russia. He sold Israeli nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia.

That sounds like a self-correcting problem best left to Mossad.

It's a crime and Donald needs to be arrested and face trial for it, along with surrendering any money he made from selling out the country
then Mossad can take him out with a cheeseburger bomb or whatever

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well, that's MUCH better


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>samefag shill circle jerk pictured

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