Why do Vegans think Oysters and Honey are okay to eat?

Why do Vegans think Oysters and Honey are okay to eat?

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Honey is amazing, vegtards being tards notwithstanding.

I don't know any vegans that think that

it's not vegan to eat oysters or honey

I'm vegan, I don't eat either of those things

wait which one is before and which one is after

I know vegan cunts that won't even eat figs because a wasp dies inside them.

why on earth do you imagine that Vegans think Oysters and Honey are okay to eat?

Because that's just plain stupid.

Perhaps you meant to write "Why don't vegans think...." because they don't

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looks like that little fella is happier after
god bless em

How do vegans feel about the majority of food crops in the US being grown with fertilizer that is a byproduct of the meat and dairy industries?

This includes organic, non-gmo and cruelty free and all the other hokey labels they put on shit to sell it to you.

I've always struggled with the vegan philosophy of not eating anything from animal sources and part of it is because of cruelty, right? But what if they're your animals by example? You provide them a good life and make sure for yourself that they're respected and not abused, would still be wrong consuming their products such as milk, eggs or even honey? It is a common behaviour in nature the commensalism an animal provides something and other animals benefits from that while them benefits the provider as well.

Why do vegans think it's ok to kill microorganisms? There is more biological diversity in microorganisms than the entire phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes.

No you don't, you've just been seeing that shit plastered on reddit.

Their minds are so malleable that when they're called upon by their political masters to accept a total conversion to centralized industrial farms, they'll happily go along with it.

Plants have been shown to experience pain. If you hook a plant up to electrical sensors, it will register a response if you damage the plant. In fact, if you have several plants together, all of the plants will register a reaction to one of their number being damaged.

There are different strains of veganitism. But they all invariably short-circuit when you mention that plants, insects and even bacteria are perfectly alive and they find no problem with just fucking walking all over those, not to mention breathing some of those in only for their immune systems to destroy the poor critters.

Hear, hear! Don't forget the fungi spores.

i know all you guys think vegans are idiots because they don't subscribe to your god-like "tendies and mt dew" diet, but some of us are just trying to reduce our negative impact in the world.

>I've always struggled with the vegan philosophy of not eating anything from animal sources and part of it is because of cruelty, right? But what if they're your animals by example? You provide them a good life and make sure for yourself that they're respected and not abused, would still be wrong consuming their products such as milk, eggs or even honey? It is a common behaviour in nature the commensalism an animal provides something and other animals benefits from that while them benefits the provider as well.

You have vegan parents that pop up in the news who kill their offspring by refusing to allow them to nurse breast milk.

How is that an issue if the mother can consent to supply it? What selfish assholes.