

Attached: comfy.png (382x313, 16.48K)

/qa/ lost

I haven't been following this kf drama at all and don't give a shit about it

Spam is spam, and spam should be eaten.

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I didn't ask you tranny

what the fuck does that word even mean

Good thing the evidence of this sick man grooming & distributing home-made illegal drugs to children is all archived on ywnbaw.net. He's not going to get away with it.

rapeape? only op knows. I suppose it is a nigger.

seethe more faggot

What's ligma?

mods are shitty trannies themselves, what did you fucking expect lmao

oh snap keffls is actually censored
what does it mean? never heard of it before

It's a sick child groomer pretending to be a woman whos goal is, in his own words, to "transgender your children" with home-made HRT he made in his bathtub.


Why don't you put this shit in /b?

does someone have the tranny's dox or that compilation image? I'll spam it with my proxies

fuck janniggers btw

I also heard that if you type cu ck in all caps you get banned

pic rel should tell you everything you need to know.

and yes, Any Forums moderators are complicit in this conspiracy to coverup the evidence of child chemical sex abuse. the other day they were auto-saging threads about it. I bet you they auto-sage this one too. (you'll notice that bumps no longer work)

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>everyone that doesn't care about trannies is a tranny
kiwifaggots really are something

My god, a tranny tolerates the existence of other trannies? This is a scandal, and a hill worth dying on!

They’re not even welcome on ED kek

I hope they just go die and not trash Any Forums

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